

Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Milton, FL
:sick: My hubby and I went to walmart this past weekend. We were getting some fish food and decided to have a looksie at the fish...OMG our walmart has changed which fish they carry now and its horrible. Instead of carrying platties, guppies, pleco's, goldfish, tetra's and the ghost shrimps...they now have them plus pictus catfishes, danios, upside down catfish, BIG plecos, oscars, angelfish, corys, otos, and some cichlids....they are WAY WAY overcrowded...not many of them were dead but still the shipment was new so I bet if I go back tonight, the tanks will practically be empty (or probably not, the dead ones might still be in there). It was so crowded over there, people were pushing and stuff trying to get the fish they wanted, it was know how they have those little 10 gallon setups? They had about 20 angelfish in one, there werent big, but still overcrowded. They sell them for $4.50 I believe... :sick: :sick: there was probably 50 or more poor little pleco's in one tank...ugh they make me sick!
ooSho said:
:sick: My hubby and I went to walmart this past weekend. We were getting some fish food and decided to have a looksie at the fish...OMG our walmart has changed which fish they carry now and its horrible. Instead of carrying platties, guppies, pleco's, goldfish, tetra's and the ghost shrimps...they now have them plus pictus catfishes, danios, upside down catfish, BIG plecos, oscars, angelfish, corys, otos, and some cichlids....they are WAY WAY overcrowded...not many of them were dead but still the shipment was new so I bet if I go back tonight, the tanks will practically be empty (or probably not, the dead ones might still be in there). It was so crowded over there, people were pushing and stuff trying to get the fish they wanted, it was know how they have those little 10 gallon setups? They had about 20 angelfish in one, there werent big, but still overcrowded. They sell them for $4.50 I believe... :sick: :sick: there was probably 50 or more poor little pleco's in one tank...ugh they make me sick!
That is awful but atleast the fish were being sold so thier stay was short. My biggest concern is that the employees probably didnt have time to ask about the tanks :crazy: can u imagine a full grown angel in a 5g :/
horrible! I just hope the fish went to good homes and that they arent sick from being overcrowded! Everybody was buying the pictus catfish and angels....and the employees were scooping them up and throwing them in bags...he didnt care to let them know information about the fish they were buying (maybe because he didnt know any :/ )
The Walmarts around here are overcrowded, but they carry the fish yours used to. A couple of weeks ago they had dead fish in every tank and they had a severe ich problem in the silver dollar tank. There was a silver dollar in there that was covered with huge clumps of ich (or maybe velvet :dunno:).

I went there a few days ago and their fish were doing better. However, their goldfish were all dying or dead and I had to tell the guy to remove an algae eater from one because it was harrassing the gouramis in the tank.

I got a female gourami from that same tank only a few days before that, despite my better judgement. I guess the female I got was just lucky I happened to choose her over the other not-so-healthy females.

I applied for a job there. I applied for pets, toys, and sporting goods because the people go from one department to the other. So it figures that the people in the fish section have no idea what they're doing. Anyways, I hope I at least get an interview because I'd be a godsend for those poor fish compared to the employees they have working for them right now. If I happen to get the jobs, though, I probably won't be able to help those fish. I'm guessing they'll keep me from using their meds and such. Maybe I'll hold sway over the types of fish they get and therefore make better choices of fish for their tanks.
I was at my local walmart yesterday and was appalled at what I heard. A lady was purchasing a 10 gal tank for her children. She was looking at platties (orange in color) but the lady talked her out of it saying she would need a heater ($10) to go with them. So instead the walmart lady tried to sell her 7-8 comets with a 10 gal tank!!!! I had to step in and tell her not to buy them. I told her to spend the extra money for the heater and get the platties. I also told her of a local store that will take any fry that surivive and are healthy so it wouldn't be a problem.

Sometimes I think people should have to have some sort of training before they can work in a pet section of any store.
I think people should have to have some sort of training before they can work in a pet section of any store

I totally agree... don't give advice if you don't know

i cant agree more, so many times in pet shops i'v seen people mis handle fish, and overcrowd them!
Walmart isn't selling fish to make everyone happy, specialy the fish, they are selling fish to make money. And ppl keep going there for some reason. I'm not agaisnt walmart entirely but i do hate seeing 50 fish in a 8 or 10 gallon tank.
Tisk Tisk
tbh compared to my wal mart yours sound like saints. I go there probably twice a weak and theres never been a time when there wasn't at least one dead fish in every tank. At times I've gone in there and theres been a tank full of completely dead fish except for one. Theres also never anyone there to care for/sell the fish any time I've been there either. There must just be one person that comes in the mornings and adds new fish/removes the dead ones..
well the one i go to started carrying dyed tetra's, a goofy blue and a pink. most of the tanks have dead fish, all have too many fish, and i talked one lady out of getting a betta bowl and an angle the other day.
I havent been to Walmart in years. Do they sell birds,reptile,and rodents? Just curious.

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