
I bought both my male and female beta from WalMart, even though I know they're bad, very bad about the care of their fish. But they both looked healthy. I've had them for about 3 months now. They've mated, and unfortunetly, I didn't know what the bubbles were until too late, didn't take her out, and lost the fry. They're at it again though, lol. She's got stripes and they're flirting. I think maybe it'll be tonight by the looks of things. (Except there are no bubbles, can they mate and not have bubbles?)
mindy0368 said:
.... They're at it again though, lol. She's got stripes and they're flirting. I think maybe it'll be tonight by the looks of things. (Except there are no bubbles, can they mate and not have bubbles?)
Hi mindy0368 :)

Why don't you start a new topic in this section of the forum. :unsure: Your question deserves more attention than we can give it on this thread about Walmart.

You will need to consider a number of things before you let your bettas breed and if people who are knowledgeable about breeding can see it, I'm sure you will get all the help you need. :nod:

I love your avatar!!!!!

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