Actually Bol, yes I would be satisfied, but I have to honestly say that I still wouldn't buy any fish from Walmart because I make it a practice not to buy anything there.
You see,
There is the Super-Chain store "bad for the economy side" and there's the "I feel so bad for those poor fish" side. I feel both of those emotions and whether or not I am letting one side creep onto the other is sort uncontrolable. You may think that is weak, but it is honest. I may surely be doing so blindly, but I know exactly how I feel about the fish practices and I think it would actually be fun and interesting to make a site about it. A site may influence some people from buying fish at Walmart and maybe influence others from shopping at Walmart alltogether. I can't say the latter of the two would hurt my feelings any, of course it wouldn't and I'd be lying if I said it would.
I never claimed to like Walmart, this you know, and I never claimed to ONLY care about the fish, but I have said that I HATE what Walmart is doing to the economy and I have said that I APPALL the way they keep thier fish. What you have said, honestly, is that I don't care about the fish at all and I am a Walmart "activist". Well, I can say that I've never been called an activist before
and I think if you knew me a little better you'd probably laugh at that too
but of course you don't know me from Adam.
If Walmart cleaned up there act tomorrow I would be very pleased that they are at least doing something right and I wouldn't waste my precious time on a site at all. Like I said before, I still wouldn't buy fish from them because of thier reputation, but wouldn't b*tch about it anymore, why would I. No one mentions Jack in the Box's little Ecoli problem because they have strived VERY hard in cooking thier meet perfectly. I am proud of them, although a vegetarian.
You act as though the two cannot coincide with each other and if they do, then Fire the Pistols. I don't think it is possible for a person who loves and cares for fish and one that does NOT respect Walmart to not have that line crossed several times.
And saying that you are a Walmart Guru (A teacher and guide in philosophical matters) which is exactly how you act, is hardly different then calling me an activist that makes activism look bad. The context of how you said it is the context of how I said what I did. No difference at all. If that's as bad as it got then no harm done.
But, believe what you will because it's really no skin off my teeth
You are just a person with an opinion that differs from my own. I can live with this, can YOU?
Also, False statements from you... maybe not, I don't know and I'm not going to go through 2 hours of searching for any, but reputation yes. This is how I honestly feel. I know the truth about how I feel and you do not. You can inerpret things how you wish but I have one thing over you at all times. I am the person inside this body that is typing these words...and I know how this person feels and do not and you do not have the power to ever know this. This is what makes us all INDIVIDUALS. You have the wrong ideas about several things and will probably never know how trully wrong you are because you are pig-headedly believing one thing because of how you interpret some of the things I have said. Some of the things that I've mentioned I feel very little emotion on and they are just words, but you interpret them TOTALLY different and think they are the MOST IMPORTANT points of my view, when in reality they are not. But again, you can never know this because you do not live inside of my head, as I don't yours.