walmart betta cruelty

I found out something really ironic yesterday.
I work for a very large consumer products company.
WM is by far our largest customer.
So, in essence WM pays my paycheck.


heh heh heh
I think we should report Walmart to PETA instead, haha. PETA would be foaming at the mouth over this kind of thing. :shifty:
Guys. What a fiasco I had this morning. I went to WalMart in Parkesburg, PA just to pick up a sweater or something to wear to Easter dinner...and of course I had to go check out the fishies since I was there. I left with tears in my eyes. They had about 5 males betts in the standard little cups, the water was only 1/3 full and dirty at that. The four that were still alive were listless. There was one poor red male floating dead with his nose to the top of the water. He was all boated. I realize I did the wrong thing by leaving without speaking to someone but I was beside myself and I didn't want them to think I was a blubbering idiot because I would have been crying my eyes out while attempting to speak to the manager. Is anyone familiar with Pennsylvania animal laws? Can they be fined or punished for this mistreatment?
If anyone wants to or is able to voice their opinion is a claer manner the phone# to the store is (610) 857-0500 and the manager's name on my receipt is Ken Smith.

Thanks guys if anyone can help.
Thats just terrible...why does Walmart have to sell fish? God. This is the reasen why I don't buy fish from Walmart...I want to rescue them, but really I'm not rescuing them because I'm just giving Walmart money to buy even more fish to mistreat.
we dont have a walmart near me (woot!) .but when i lived in Illinois the walmart in Mount vernon didnt have any fish(woot) but the walmart in Bellevile ILL had horrible conditions . i saw a dead baby betta there. almost all the bettas were dead. the odd part. I got Gus at walmart and he lived for a long time. i find that strange and he was fine when we got him (probably just shiped in) he was my pride and joy i raised him from a scrawnie little year old fish to a healthy 4 yearold. he lived for four years in our loving care and by my avatar you could tell he was very healthy.i dont understand the abuse its horrible.
You go people! :flex:

makes you wonder how some fish people get thier jobs!! Maidenhead aquatics in the UK can be just as bad....
MegTheFish said:
Thats just terrible...why does Walmart have to sell fish? God. This is the reasen why I don't buy fish from Walmart...I want to rescue them, but really I'm not rescuing them because I'm just giving Walmart money to buy even more fish to mistreat.
That's what is so tough about it. You want to rescue them but you DON'T want to support WalMart!
THANK YOU for the walmart feedback form link and the info about "letter to the president" and the pet store activism site. I've added them all to my website, Betta Awareness under purchasing a betta/rescue & adoption. It's a site that promotes correct betta care by listing links to over 150 informative sites including this forum. I've had many requests for a walmart link but hadn't been able to find it. I'm sure someone will make good use of it and all the exceptional info at the activism site B)
ladyhawke said:
Guys. What a fiasco I had this morning. I went to WalMart in Parkesburg, PA just to pick up a sweater or something to wear to Easter dinner...and of course I had to go check out the fishies since I was there. I left with tears in my eyes. They had about 5 males betts in the standard little cups, the water was only 1/3 full and dirty at that. The four that were still alive were listless. There was one poor red male floating dead with his nose to the top of the water. He was all boated. I realize I did the wrong thing by leaving without speaking to someone but I was beside myself and I didn't want them to think I was a blubbering idiot because I would have been crying my eyes out while attempting to speak to the manager. Is anyone familiar with Pennsylvania animal laws? Can they be fined or punished for this mistreatment?
If anyone wants to or is able to voice their opinion is a claer manner the phone# to the store is (610) 857-0500 and the manager's name on my receipt is Ken Smith.

Thanks guys if anyone can help.
For what it's worth, I just got off the phone with the manager of your WM store.
I told her about the dead fish that was seen in her store this morning and that I was calling just to let her know of the condition of the rest of the fish. I also told her that "we" being me, myself and I (but she doesn't know that) have been known to call stores and let them know about the horrid fish conditions, and if they're not taken care of we get ahold of PETA and the SPCA, and it gets ugly from there.

(I can't believe that they were actually open on Easter Sunday, but whatever...)

So - she said she would go over there and at the very least take care of the dead one and see what she could do with the horrid conditions of the rest.

Thanks for posting here. I really have come to rather enjoy calling WMs now and threatening to sick PETA and SPCA on them.

heh heh heh

Happy Easter, everybody - also.
It's been awhile since I last looked at the fish at my Wal-Mart store, I try to avoid going there like the plague but sometimes I just can't pass up their price on something, or there is something that's only available there. Last time I was there and I looked at the fish... the regular fish tanks actually looked decent and clean. They had bettas, males and females, in bigger cups actually, and the females looked decent, whether because they were a new shipment, I'm not sure. But the males... :-( None were dead, but they were all listless laying on the bottom, and one had bits of his fins/tail floating around in his dish with him. All the male cups/dishes (they were about the size of a little tub of sour cream), were filled with crud and feces.

Now I would probably find someone to complain to. Then I felt sick and near tears, but felt like nothing I could do would make a difference, and honestly I felt intimidated at the prospect of trying to face some uncaring store employee down. I've avoided looking at their fish ever since, but next time I go I will brave it out and see what conditions they are in. If they are like they were the last time, I will HAVE to do something.
BettaMomma said:
For what it's worth, I just got off the phone with the manager of your WM store.
I told her about the dead fish that was seen in her store this morning and that I was calling just to let her know of the condition of the rest of the fish. I also told her that "we" being me, myself and I (but she doesn't know that) have been known to call stores and let them know about the horrid fish conditions, and if they're not taken care of we get ahold of PETA and the SPCA, and it gets ugly from there.

(I can't believe that they were actually open on Easter Sunday, but whatever...)

So - she said she would go over there and at the very least take care of the dead one and see what she could do with the horrid conditions of the rest.

Thanks for posting here. I really have come to rather enjoy calling WMs now and threatening to sick PETA and SPCA on them.

heh heh heh

Happy Easter, everybody - also.
Thank you SO much! I appreciate the help. I didn't know exactly what to say to get results.
cerulean said:
THANK YOU for the walmart feedback form link and the info about "letter to the president" and the pet store activism site. I've added them all to my website, Betta Awareness under purchasing a betta/rescue & adoption. It's a site that promotes correct betta care by listing links to over 150 informative sites including this forum. I've had many requests for a walmart link but hadn't been able to find it. I'm sure someone will make good use of it and all the exceptional info at the activism site B)
Thanks for the link. I did send feedback and advised them the store lost my business over this.
No problem whatsoever.
If you have a chance, please go back to the store and check on their wellbeing.
If you're not comfortable with talking to them about what you see, please feel free to contact me. I'd love to call again! :)

When I first started finding the conditions that fish were kept in, I immediately started to get tears, and I had to leave the store without saying anything. I couldn't even call later without breaking down to tears.

Now, with having lost Amos, I have kind of gotten past the emotion that makes me cry and scream, and gotten on to a sort of angry, pushed-almost-to-the-edge sort of emotion and I can handle talking to just about any manager over the phone cooly enough to get some results. I have polished what I say to them, and every single time I have called in something seems to get done, even if the results are very minimal.
ladyhawke said:
cerulean said:
THANK YOU for the walmart feedback form link and the info about "letter to the president" and the pet store activism site. I've added them all to my website, Betta Awareness under purchasing a betta/rescue & adoption. It's a site that promotes correct betta care by listing links to over 150 informative sites including this forum. I've had many requests for a walmart link but hadn't been able to find it. I'm sure someone will make good use of it and all the exceptional info at the activism site  B)
Thanks for the link. I did send feedback and advised them the store lost my business over this.
In response to my feedback form, the "co-manager" of my WalMart called and left a message on my voicemail apologizing for the condition of the bettas and promised that they had been cared for, water replaced, etc. She blamed it on new associates overfeeding them. Whatever. At least now they've gotten some idea that they need to care for the fish or the public will become enraged. I think the fact that I refused to shop there anymore motivated their action more than anything else, but oh well, at least it got the fish some care. I will continue to monitor that stores care of the fish from now on. Thanks again for the suggestions and help! BettaMomma you're the best!
LadyHawke :)

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