Waah, I just killed 3 fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I accidently knocked the heater sensor out of the tank last night while I was cleaning my 75g. This morning the temp was almost 100degF! All three of my red phantom tetras were already dead :rip: I dumped ice in and did a quick water change. Luckily everone else survived. I feel horrible. Will that huge temp change have any permanent damage on the fish? I hope a disease doesn't breakout from all the stress they just went through. I know it could have been much worse. If the red phantoms hadn't been floating I would have never noticed the temp was up and I could have left the house and come home to an entire tank of dead fish. Maybe this story will remind someone else to be more careful with their tank maintenance :-(
So sorry to hear of your loss catwoman. Accidents can happen so easily but it doesn't always make us feel any better losing our babies. :byebye:

Sorry to hear of your loss, thank goodness you noticed in time to save your other fish.
Sorry to hear about this.

Yes, there is potential for further complications. I.e.:
Swim bladder disorder
Anything else that is caused by stress.

Therefore, get the water balanced ASAP. You shouldn't have problems if you get the temp back down and stable.
Sorry about the lost. I know the feeling. Good luck with getting your fish back stable and healthy. :/ :sad:
I have certainly have had my problems with heaters,
I now only use submersible types that lie on the bottom and rarely have any contact by me.
Best of all they can be left alone during a water changes

Sorry for your losses, accidents do happen, :byebye:

Thanks for the support. The temp is back down and stable and everyone seems fine but I do see some of them "flicking" of the rocks and driftwood - darn it. I don't see any white spots yet but the "flicking" is oh so familiar. I will keep an eye on them. I have five loaches in there and I know they don't do well with ich.
catwoman said:
Thanks for the support. The temp is back down and stable and everyone seems fine but I do see some of them "flicking" of the rocks and driftwood - darn it. I don't see any white spots yet but the "flicking" is oh so familiar. I will keep an eye on them. I have five loaches in there and I know they don't do well with ich.
A bit of preventative medicine goes a long way... I would do a dose of ich meds ASAP before the white spots show up, cause then it will be too late.

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