Booboo puppy
Fish Addict
My veil tale "George" is in my avatar. He's a PetSmart betta. I haven't been able to get a decent photo of Barracuda, another veil tale (WalMart).
its just that i feel uncomforatable reading about them being called mutts... most VTs are so pretty and most other tails are just ugly!! some VTs are pretty than any other tail... and if people werent so mean i would breed a VT with another tail type!!! sorry i just cant help it... they are bettas too and a mutt is really a mixture of all tails... so you can say that CTs DTs BFs etc.... are mutts... since the VT was what came first (supposidly) look at it this way... im a mutt cause i have every kind of european blood in my... im a euro-mutt!red-devil0602 said:i was only being sarcastic calling them mutts just to show that they are totally the opposite