Vip's Top Ten Fish list

lol there isnt many private people with collections as big as Jeff Rapps, but there are some pretty prominate people out there with just as impressive collections, Rusty Wessel comes to mind, as does Don Conkel.
I love so many fish, but here are my top ten, not in order :p

1. Clown Loaches
2. Rams
3. Bala Sharks
4. Blood Parrots
5. Oscars
6. Discus
7. Zebra Plecs
8. Convicts
9. Fahaka Puffers
10. Arrowanas
Here's my top ten:
1. Asian Arowana
2. Flowerhorns
3. Clown Knife(Royal preferably)
4. Australian Arowana
5. Aba Knife fish
6. Midas Cichlid
7. Jaguar Cichlid
8. Plakat Bettas
9. Ranchu Goldfish
10. Pearlscale Goldfish

Look at that hunchback :hey:


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here goes for my top ten
1. Green terror
2. Blue acara
3. Salvini's
4. Sev's
5. Firemouth
6. Convicts
7. Haplochromis Livingstoni
8. Haplochromis polystigma
9. Frontosa
10. Lamprologus compressiceps

ew how can you like that yossie!!

i think it looks alful, the guy i bought my arowana off has a red tail gold that looks like that because it wouldn't eat for 3 months.
Fahaka Puffer
Mbu Puffer

Any kind of puffer ^_^
Sting ray (any kind, i love motoros though)
Pipe fish (freshwater, brackish or saltwater)
Gar again, any kind
Killie Fish
Cichlids - any kind
And a lot of other fish

Will add pictures later, when cna be bothered. Please note: none of the fish mentioned would have humpy head... *shudder*
my top ten is prety boring!
1.bettas 2 albino oscars :wub:
4.all loaches
5.blood parrots
7.phantom tetras sevrums (white)
1. Blue Rams
2. Bolivian Rams
3. Apisto.Agassizii's
4. Apisto.Borellii Opal
5. Apisto.Cacatuoides Orange Flash
6. Apisto.Viejita
7. White Swan Discus
8. Peppermint Bristlenose
9. Peacock Judjeon
10. Electric Yellows
1. Platies
2. Swordtails (close but not quite number 1, they jump too much to be number 1)
3. Cories of any type
4. Clown Loaches
5. Bristlenose catfish
6. Any mbuna cichlid
7. Red tailed black shark
8. Harlequin rasboras
9. Red Jewel Cichlids
10. Mandarinfish (if I were to ever go marine)
Gosh this is really a tricky one!... And it's hard to put fish my top 10 that I haven't owned... So in no particular order my top ten fish consist of:

) Syno. Angelicus
) Syno. Petricola
) Syno. Decorus
) Pim. Pictus
) Clown Loach
) Dwarf Chain Loach
) Zebra Loach
) L128 Blue Phantom Plec
) Black Ghost Knife Fish
) Ghost Glass Catfish

Hard to list my top 10 overall fish, as its difficult to know unless you know the downfalls or brilliance of a species based on your experience..

I don't know if its my top ten, I don't know enough species of fish out there to know what I would want in my top ten list, but here are a few that I plan to have in my new 90 gal tank :drool: when I get it set up.

2 or 3 angels
2 german blue rams
would love a school of black neon tetras, but I don't think the angels will get along.
my 6 rosey barbs
my 6 platies
my 3 danios - may add 3 or 4 more
my 3 cories
my 3 otos

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