Very Small Tank Setup


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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Hey all,

Currently have a 4ft with convicts in, but I want to set a small tank up for my niece. I have a tank that is VERY small and wanted some help setting it up. It is 12"x7"xabout 8" , I know it is very small but i'm sure their is something tropical that can live in it apart from a betta.

I have got a small pad heater for it and a small sponge filter. I would also like it to be planted.

All help and suggestions would be very welcome! :good:

Thanks mattb22
Ummm thats about 11 litres or 2.4 Gallons....not that much other then bettas.......perhaps 4 to 6 small Neons would do well.......

If not, you may get away with the smaller Cory's ie Pandas or Three Line (both get to around 4-5 cm) if not, a Dwarf Gourami (5-6 cm)

All these are reasonably easy and hardy to look after......:)
Would plants be ok in there If i got a descent clip on light?
should be, go to the planted section, they have things about nano planted tanks (like nano marine, but with freshwater and plants!) you could do a really nice little nano planted with like someone said, some pretty shrimps. it is too small for any fish to really thrive in though.
Erm, don't know about marine (nano) seems a bit too much to be honist I'd rather stick to fresh water but thanks :good:
i never meant to go to marine, sorry, i meant keeping a nano planted tank. freshwater.
Ummm thats about 11 litres or 2.4 Gallons....not that much other then bettas.......perhaps 4 to 6 small Neons would do well.......

If not, you may get away with the smaller Cory's ie Pandas or Three Line (both get to around 4-5 cm) if not, a Dwarf Gourami (5-6 cm)

All these are reasonably easy and hardy to look after......:)

no no and no i'm afraid!!

all of those fish are sensitive, in a very small tank there will be water quality fluctuations for anyone but the most experiences fishkeepers, therefore delicate fish are not suitable.

options i would say are


just 1 of the above!
I would not take up the article's suggestion about keeping guppies in this tank though. It doesn't seem fair on a sociable and active fish to keep them in such a small space. Hets, yes, fair enough.
Heterandria formosa, the dwarf livebearer. Sometimes goes by the name of lesser killifish and mosquitofish.
Ummm thats about 11 litres or 2.4 Gallons....not that much other then bettas.......perhaps 4 to 6 small Neons would do well.......

If not, you may get away with the smaller Cory's ie Pandas or Three Line (both get to around 4-5 cm) if not, a Dwarf Gourami (5-6 cm)

All these are reasonably easy and hardy to look after......:)

no no and no i'm afraid!!

all of those fish are sensitive, in a very small tank there will be water quality fluctuations for anyone but the most experiences fishkeepers, therefore delicate fish are not suitable.

options i would say are


just 1 of the above!

Thanks for the correction Miss Wiggle............thats one thing all my books dont make mention off.........although 2 of them do say the Gourami and Neons are hardy...........

Afterall, all mine survived even with no tank cycle and Ammonia through the roof in the first week..........:(............(Cause I did'nt know better back then)..........

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