Very Sick Betta

Yes, will make sure i clean everything thoroughly before i get any more bettas for it.

I think the meds i put in only made him die faster but given the fact that he really didn't look like he was going to pull through it was probably a good thing for the poor little guy
If they are very weak yes meds can finish them off faster, sorry.
I just saw this thread - I too had a male that this happened to out of the blue.
Too late now and I couldn't even help you if I wanted to - as I had to put mine to sleep in the end. He carried on for weeks looking like that, was active, ate and pooed as usualy - no inflamation or white poo or anything I could see.

Here are some pics of the one I had. Bettaman suggested to try some Sterazin by Waterlife - but I never got that far.


He was a pretty bubble blower!

I never wanted to keep fish because when my son tried goldfish when he was young everything died. I just figured we didn't have the knack. A hobbiest at work talked me into trying with some feeder fish. Of course those fish needed bigger tanks very soon. (From vases to a 60 gal in a year.) Now I find that I am dealing with much more disease and death than I like. And I still overstock and buy more tanks. :crazy: :/

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