Very Sick Betta

I'll let you know if it works.. Im not too hopeful though, he's looking really bad :(
To be honest i'm not, but you never no.
Eeep, someone needs to say this:
Fish TB is a zoonotic disease! Please wear gloves when handling the fish and his water if you have any open wounds or raw spots on your hands. And, use separate siphoning/nets/etc. for the fish as it can be quite contageous to other fish. This is def. a dangerous microbe to be working with, so please exersize caution.
Eeep, someone needs to say this:
Fish TB is a zoonotic disease! Please wear gloves when handling the fish and his water if you have any open wounds or raw spots on your hands. And, use separate siphoning/nets/etc. for the fish as it can be quite contageous to other fish. This is def. a dangerous microbe to be working with, so please exersize caution.


You couldn't have told me this sooner?! I just stuck my hand in the tank to get the plant out!

Great, now im going to have droopy fins and hanging at the top of my tank :sad:


Seriously.. That sucks!!
Give it a try for sure, but if he looks too bad, I would just put the poor thing out of his misery.

Good luck, sorry to hear about that. I know how hard this is. If you lose him, make sure you nuke the tank before getting a new betta.
Can anyone tell me how he got it though? :/

The website didn't say anything specific and all of my other fish are very healthy. I've had him about a month and he's been fine until a few days ago -_-
Here is abit more info but not the writer of it.
Piscine Tuberculosis


Because of the symptoms associated with this disease, it is often referred to as Wasting Disease. An infected fish may show a loss of appetite, emaciation (sunken belly), fading of colors, eroding fins, erratic swimming, scale loss or protrusion, "pop-eye" or eye loss, skin inflammation, ulcerous skin wounds or open lesions, gill deformities, spinal curvature, and Dropsy.

Symptoms may occur singly or in various combinations. Symptoms may also vary from species to species and from one individual fish to another. Not all symptoms need be present. Healthy fish may carry the illness for some time without being affected, and then become ill when stress or poor water conditions lower their resistance. The disease may run a lingering course, killing the fish slowly over time, or strike in epidemic proportions quickly wiping out an entire aquarium population.

Diagnoses of Piscine Tuberculosis is difficult, as all of the diseases symptoms may appear in other illnesses. Piscine TB can only be verified upon autopsy.


Mycobacterium bacteria. Piscine Tuberculosis is highly infectious and can be easily transferred. Gravel can harbor this bacteria causing the entire aquarium to become infected. The disease may strike in epidemic proporations, killing an entire population of fish in record time with little to no symptoms. However, it can also remain latent for some time, progressing slowly, silently causing internal organ damage to the fish.

This illness is not always fatal to the fish. The bacteria may become encapsulated to form small nodules and as long as good environmental conditions are maintained there is no danger. However, if the fish is weakened by unsuitable water conditions or other diseases the nodules can burst. The infection then becomes acute and can kill the infected fish as well as infect others.


Infected fish must be isolated quickly because the disease is highly contagious (see below). Treat with a combination of sulphafurazone (0.2mg/g fish), doxycycline (0.005 mg/g fish) and minocycline (0.005 mg/g fish) administered intramuscularly. It is also recommended to feed any sick fish isoniazid. It may take up to 2 months for fish to completely heal. Kanacyn also claims to be helpful in treating Piscine Tuberculosis.


Piscine Tuberculosis is caused by a species of bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium, which is also the causative agent of Tuberculosis in humans. While the bacteria that causes this disease in fish prefers cooler temperatures than most bacteria that infect humans it is still possible for the illness to be passed on to humans. Such an infection in humans usually shows in the form of an infected nodule in the skin, although there is a chance of a more serious internal infection. If you suspect your fish has this disease, observe the strictest of hygiene to prevent the spread of this serious disease to humans.
That does suck! I'm sure RW's advice at this point is that you work with your fishes w/o gloves at your own peril, and many others would say the same, espcially when working with sick fish. Personally, I'm not well enough organized. :*)
I'd also suggest not using any instruments you've used on this fish with any of your other fish.
I would also remove the fish from the other half of the dividied section and NUKE that tank. I would also begin treatment on the other TB is's certain (if it has TB) that the other fish will already be infected as well.

I suggest PMing Sorrell...she has gone through a serious bought of TB in the fairly recent past, and could possibly tell you if your's has it for sure or not.
It looks like TB to me as well... I've had moderate success threating it with antibiotic food.. For the record, there's less than 1 case of a human contracting fish TB per year, so it's not as serious a worry as you'd think.
Bless him sorry, he didn't look good, sterlise everything jessica with gloves on, R.I.P.

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