Very Sick Betta


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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I need some help with my betta. He was fine and active and healthy until about a week ago. He's suddenly gone VERY thin, even though he's still eating really well. He ate 4 blood worms last night with no problems at all but he just keeps getting thinner and thinner :/

He's looking really bad now. His fins are really clamped and he's not moving around at all.

He's in a divided tank with two other bettas who are very healthy and active and are looking great, its just him who seems to be sick :unsure: I have no idea whats wrong with him, i've never had this with any of my fish.

Here's a pic to show how thin (and pale - His body should be red :( ) he is..


Anyone have any ideas?
He looks a lot like a fish I got from Petsmart a while ago. We guessed that he had fish TB and treated him accordingly. Synirr is a lot better at diagnosing though, so I'd definately wait for her to respond before doing anything. Good luck!
I would wait for one of the guru's to drop by.... but I would guess that it is caused by internal parasites.

You mentioned, he is in a divided tank. Is the water shared? If it is quarnatine the sick one.

I would probably do a full water change and medicate. I really don't know what meds to recommend in this case.
I have taken him out and put him into his own tank which seems to have made things worse :/ Im pretty sure he's going to die :-(
Being thin can be internal parasites or fish tb, is the anus red and inflamed, what does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet.
Um.. Actually, now you mention it i dont think he has for a couple of days :unsure:
Can you see anything prutruding from the anus, does the anus look more enlarged then usual.
It looks as though he may have that.

His fins are really clamped, he's staying at the top of the tank, he's thin obviously and i've just noticed a strange looking sore or something on him. Its only really tiny and i thought it was just something stuck to
him from the plants of something but it looks like a sore.. :/ Oh, and as you can see in the pic he's really bent. Thats on the list on that site!

Looks like theres nothing i can do for him :-(
I've heard this antibiotic can treat fish tb.
Minocycline 100 mg/10 gallons every other day bacteria possibly effective against fish tuberculosis
Sorry your'e in the uk, i've had that antibiotic, try the vets he might perscribe you some for the fish.
I've just had a look through my pet meds stuff and i have myxazin P which is what we used when one of our pond fish had bacterial infection or something. It helped that fish, would it be worth trying with the betta?
Yes it worth a try, good luck.

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