Used 125 Gallon Bought


New Member
Oct 21, 2005
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ok I got a deal and the tank has some fish already

1 cynotilapia afra chewere
x2 chuanga
x1 upimgu
x1 njamba
1 labeotrophues fuelletron makanyla
1 labidochromis mbamba
1 melanochromis auratus
1 sebra chilumba
1psuedotrophues crabro

ok now I now sure if these are correct since he had no idea and I am only going by research here.
and with so many looking alike I a not sure but a start

now My first question is how many more can go in. Right now I see some aggresstion but not to much

and are the types in now compatible with the other types.
A 125 gallon tank is a large tank, I have one myself but it does not have africans in it, You may fit many more but my advice to you is to wait and see how these fish are to one another and to wait until your certain what you have so you know what your getting yourself into. How much did you pay for the tank?
A 125 gallon tank is a large tank, I have one myself but it does not have africans in it, You may fit many more but my advice to you is to wait and see how these fish are to one another and to wait until your certain what you have so you know what your getting yourself into. How much did you pay for the tank?

well I got it for 350.00 with stand and lights and two emp 400. I added 1 cascade 1000 canister filter and 2 visa therm heaters

well how many more do you think can go in and what is the best way to find out for sure what I have the pictures match pretty well
I would say in a tank that size if you have 10 fish in there now easily another 20 fish?? I have about 15 fish in a 55 gallon and they are doing fine. The knowing for sure i cant tell you im not too sharp on my scientific names for the cichlids. I know Auratus pretty well. I have taken a liking to them. Although i wouldnt advise you put anymore in your tank as they are known to be highly aggressive. The other fish you will have to guess and check i would imagine. As for the amount of fish i would say another 20 isnt out of the question. You should wait on what freddy has to say he is good with these kind of questions.
Yeah as Soaup sais another 20 maybe. Mbuna are smaller fish and a higher number reduces there aggression. You could add more of the less aggressive ones such as the Labidochromis Mbamba and maybe some other less aggressive Mbuna. I'd also add the Aggressive Mbuna last as a safe measure. :D :thumbs:

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