Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

not that i can see.

only other things on the fish that are not that little mark of fluf ( and being a big black carp its hard to see it he could just be loosing a scale or something)

is we have a black carp which has had a bad tumour for about the last 10 years and swims about happy as larry, eats etc. cant see taht being the cause though. tbh

ive been through all my fish desease books and cant see any symptoms as such in the way of looks. only thing i think they have is a slight whitish look to them, but idk if its just me being paranoid. You know how it is when you think something is sick you look so hard that little things that have always been there sudently seem new.

would it be helpfull if i post some pics of the fish up i did take a couple this afternoon
aha that may well explain it then... its a parasite like the guy at the LFS said. and im sure they looked milky but assumed it was me being paranoid.

The first two fish below are the ones i think i noticed a bit of milkyness on



Tumour fish (ignor the white lump on the side its been like it for 10 years now)

Yes i would go with a parasite too, plus they can cause bacterial infections on top, as they are nasty thing, as they peirce the skin causing bacterial infection, good luck, keep the board updated with there progress.

Just a question i can see a swirly white thing on the grey fish, is it the pic or is it on the fish.
thats been liek that for almost 10 years it has a tumour... had a small bump when we bought him aparently ( i wouldent know i was only 2) and it grew and then stoped growing and he has been like that for the last.... 5 years with the white mark.

soooo we think its pretty unrelated.

thats been liek that for almost 10 years it has a tumour... had a small bump when we bought him and it grew and then stoped growing and he has been like that for the last.... 5 years with the white mark.

soooo we think its pretty unrelated.

he still eats happily and swims about etc. well untill the last 2 days where he has been laying on the bottum like all the other fish.
Ok, that fine then, just wanted to make sure, good luck.
thanks again im going to go sleep and hope its all been a bad dream and i will wake up in the morning and they will all be swimming wild and free etc etc

night all, thanks!
I do know what you mean, good night.
good morning to you all day 3 of treatment.

All large fish on the bottum,
all small fish crouded together at the top ( not gasping for air) just lounging about.
just tipped in some more treatment, and it seems that they are looking better although still rubbing and now they are near the top crouded together ( but not gasping for air) if that makes sence.Still keeping my peepers peeled for things that are out of the blue :(
Don't like the sound of the fish being at the bottom one minute then at the top next, it usually a sign of a fish dying.
Are you sure the pond surface is being moved.
Do you have a ammonia reading.
my testy kits dont do amonia unfortunately :(

and im flat out broke and no where is open now anyhow

just been out mind and they are all swimming about like normal :S

Idk what to do.... fancy a road trip wilder how far from worcester are you :lol

the anoying part is ive been paying so much attention to the pond for the past 2 months now ( never really apreciated it before now) and i still cant work out weather some of the fish's colouration has changed.

I keep thinking the big black common carp have small white specles on them, but for all i know they could of allways been like that ( the water was dirty but had good stats before i installed my new filter and its now clean) ,, not like whitespot more loose edged and more translucent... hard to explain im going to go and try and get a photo.

EDIT yeah the pond surface has the waterfall on it. and also the watchymajiga with the bubbles squirting across it pic attatched

I wish I could come but you live to far away, i'm from doncaster.
What your tap ph, as i thinking of a water change on the pond, to put some fresh airy water in there, but you will have to watch how much you remove as you will have to add the correct amount of med back again.
I know what you mean about the skin on the fish, they preduce more slime when they get parasites as they are trying to protect there slime coat.
Also slimy patches bad water quality, parasites, to bacterial infections.

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