Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

i really dont want to risk mixing meds as we lost a big fish yesterday which was looking strong beforehand.

hmmmm i think i better wait it out and see what happens and then attack it with the anti bachterial if posible?

loads of air going in and im going to add an airstone to the pond in the week after my paycheck clears.

as i spent £60 on meds and chloreen treatments etc over the weekend.

may go do another test on the water quality in a min as the meds said they could destroy the bio in the filter
Ok, it is up to you, fingers crossed and good luck.
thanks again for all the help i will be devastated if we loose anymore of the big fish. They are as old as me! so it seems such a shame to loose them. Ive pretty much well grown up with them. :lol me and my fish buddies
I know my dad has had his for over 27 years, they are hardy fish though.
ok just taken another reading.

pH was about 7 it was halfway between the colour of 6.8 and 7.2
KH 3
Gh 7
Nitirite 0
nitrate 25

is the ph too low?

i know each time ive been in they have told me it is slightly acidic but that is normal for an older pond.

+ if it was the pc my thinking is they would of been doing this for like years as the pH has barely moved in the last 6 years
Wouldn't worry about the ph, the med could interfer with it abit.
Sounds to me like the main reason for your orfe dieing is from a lack of oxygen. Orfe compared to most pond fish, need a massive amount of oxygen in a pond. With the weather we have been having in the last few days, the oxygen levels in your pond have been reduced by the heat. The warmer it is the more oxygen your fish need. The bigger the fish, the bigger the consumption of oxygen. As your pond mainly has big fish they have probably been using the oxygen quicker than it is being produced. It is deffinatly worth getting an air pump in this weather, also when you have thunderstorms, the oxygen is sucked out of the water, causing the same problem for big fish.

As for the flicking and jumping out of the water, they are probably jumping out to try and escape the heat, and get more oxygen (even though they cant get air out of water). The lump on the fins does sound like a bacterial infection, i would treat with interpet anti funges and bacteria, and also get their guardian tonic salt aswell. it will help treat any open wounds and bind the treatment in too.
yeah the guy int he aquatic center said that orf are hard to suply with o2, but we have never had a problem before. the water is aireated by coming down 3 sections of waterfall and then there is loads of surface movement.

and usually when its been short of oxygen they have all been around the waterfall for air... but this time its mucho diferent.

Soooo idk but we added a venturi just incase.
Just checked with my interpet rep, he said you def cannot mix the two treatments, wait at least 48 hrs pref longer, and maybe dilute down by doing a 20% water change.

You might not have had the problem before as we have not had temps like this for three years, and the fish might have been smaller before.

Good Luck :)
No offence but ive mixed them with no problems as long as you have alot of aeration in the tank or pond.
The bacterial med is not a strong med anyway, and they say this to protect them selves so you don't sue them.
No, you must leave at least 48 hrs (pref longer) if not filter through carbon or dilute via w change, but never mix together as dif chemicals can become toxic.

The exact reply i got fom my rep who sells these everyday.

Also orfe are very susceptable to deforming if treated with some treatments, so mixing them would be even worse, especially in this heat.
Every body to there own, good luck, but once bacterial infection progress you won't cure it, only with antibiotics if you are lucky.
yeah i understand :)

Im going to keep with what the geezer in the aquatic center said.. for the reason that i could be being a plank and have got the name of what he said it was right wrong.

At the end of the day he saw the slide of the scraping and said it was this and what to do for it.

ontop of that... i literally am flat out broke cant afford any antibacterial stuffs :( till like thursday.

Im keeping close checks on the water conditions etc and fingers crossed all goes well and they recover. Fingers crossed !

thanks so much for all the help
Can you try and find out what he said what it was.
They don't have any strand on them with a fork tail do they.

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