Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!

Glad things are going well, the fish with the popeye if he's no eating not sounding to good so fingers crossed.
Hows the fish doing.
alll look ok minus the 2 that where acting up before.
One of which being popeye fish who is still moaping about :(
2 large koi dead this morning! the two which were not eating.

one was dead when i came down this morning, and the other was laying on its side on the surface in the plants... so we put it to sleep as it would of only sufferd in the sun all day...

sooo does this mean the oodinium is on its way back none of the other fish are showing symptoms... and they havent been right wsince we got ontop of the outbreak,,,, so could it be there where too far damaged during the outbreak to recover? not eating etc
Velvet really does lower fishes immune systems so you will lose those that are the sickest. It doesnt mean its coming back just that the weaker ones die off and the stronger survive.
Secondary diseases are common and once youre sure the velvet is gone then maybe add a tonic boost to the pond.
I agree with black angel its just took it toll on the weaker fish as they got bacterial infections on top, the others should be fine, good luck
R.I.P. to the two that died.
Hey guys sorry to drag up and old thread, but just thought it would be worth while saying THANK YOU! for the help i got when the pond went tits up!

its now all fixed! fish look looovellyyyyy my homemade filter is working a treat.. and currently looking into revamping some of the system to make it more pretty :lol


will get a couple of pics in a second :)

was nice to see the pics of the fish
Glad they made it where the pics.

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