Urgent Help Needed! Large Koi Dieing!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2006
Reaction score
worcester uk
Apologies for double post i missed this section the first time round as im in a bit of a panic!

Hello people, i urgently need some help!

Yesterday i noticed the fish in my pond where behaving strangely, the pond is about 2000 uk gal. Ive recently put a lot of work into this pond installing a new filter ( ive left the old filter alone and the water from the new filter runs through this for the biological effects)

water quality

ph. 7.2
nitrites and nitrates are fine ( i dont remember the readings but i checked them several times, as did my LFS)
and the hardness is perfect.

The pond has 6 LARGE koi about 1 to 1 1/2 foot in lenth and 3 ( did have 4 untill yesterday) large golden orf.

All the koi and carp are laying on the bottum of the pond in lines... like next to each other, the goldfish are all grouped together near the top of the pond amongst the plants. All the fish are also jumping out of the water, and rubbing there gills on solid objects.

None of the fish are swimming about like there normal behavier. However when food is introduced they will go for it.

Now yesterday i came home from getting some aquatic plants for the pond thinking it may be there where seeking shade laying on the bottum of the pond etc and also bought some interpet anti parasite thinking it was gill flukes, only to find our largest golden orf dead. I took him to the aquatic center to be told its Lymphocystis.

I was told to treat with the anti parasite and follow the guidlines. ive set up a 2nd venturi pipe as i know that this treatment can suffocate orf, tench, and sterlet ( i have all of these).

But after reading about the symptoms they dont fit !

Please help i need a 2nd opinion and some guidelines on what ells i can do?????
Signs of gill flukes are red inflamed gills, laboured breathing and flicking and rubbing on objects.
Have you increased aeration in the pond with having the med in, as the weather warm too, so there might not be enough 02 in the pond.
Lymphocystis Looks like a clump of berriers or a cauliflower.
Signs of gill flukes are red inflamed gills, laboured breathing and flicking and rubbing on objects.
Have you increased aeration in the pond with having the med in, as the weather warm too, so there might not be enough 02 in the pond.
Lymphocystis Looks like a clump of berriers or a cauliflower.

um there have been more developments on this Here I made a double post this morning as i was in a panic and couldent work out where was best to post it. added a venturi ontop of the waterfall so its got more than enough o2 as i know the meds can make breathing hard for sterlet and the orfs.
Lymphocystis you say this lfs said they had this, have they got this by the article i left you.
Gill flukes can cause bacterial infection on top, as in there suckers they carry a nasty bacterial which enters the fish blood stream.
I think with the fish sitting on the bottom usually they lay to oneside as well, it a sign of a bacterial infection.
hmmmmm ok from that article i would say it is a posibility, i did notice some like.... errr fluf on the one fish... but isnt this normaly a fungus? the symptom have progressed over say the last 3 days.

also the fish seem to have taken on a slightly cloudy apearnce,,, posibly but idk if im just imagining it.


thanks for the help.
Let me get you a pic.
The fluff where is it on the fish.
Is it growing on the lump, as fungus can grow on dead tissue.
I would get a bacterial med as well.
Don't know why the lfs said it was that then.
Sounds like they have a bacterial infection on top of the parasites, they can get gill flukes, skin flukes, are the sign of these can be a cloudy coloured skin.
righteo, well the med says i cant use it with anti fungi or bacterial. soo will have to wait till the end of treatment.
What is the name of the parasite med.
Don't always advise this, but you can mix the meds, are the fish strong, as i would for now add half the dose of the bacterial med, but make sure you have plenty of aeration in the pond, if they cope with the med for a day or two, gradually get it up to the full dose.
The shelf bacteria meds are only good if you have caught the bacteria infection early, if it has progressed this med will do nothing for the fish, as they would need an antibiotic which is only available through a vet.

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