Upgrading My Shrimp Tank

Well everything settled down in the tank and I decided to get some more white pearls to hopefully get some female friends for the single female I had left and managed to get the 12 L tank set up as quarantine to check out the new ones when they arrived yesterday. Needed some more females as there was only one left to about 5 males so I reckon she needed a bit of girly company. Think there are at least 4 saddled females in the new ones so once the quarantine is over I'll transfer them into the main shrimp tank and maybe swap some of the males and keep the rest in the quarantine tank. Haven't fully decided how to work it yet, but I'll give it some thought during the next week or two.
In the meantime, here's a short peak at the new ones only hours after going into their tank after over 3 hrs acclimation:
I'm so excited! My original female WP is going to be a mama!!!   

She's got tiny snowballs! Better go and research shrimp gestations! 

Exciting!  Looking forward to seeing baby shrimplets
omg this is amazing :) good luck :) hopefully u will have loads of shrimp in no time :D
Thank you, both! I can't believe how quickly they've appeared - I saw her spring apart from one of the males this morning and tonight - berried! Wahhhhhhh!
Dad's got to be one of the originals as the others are in the quarantine tank and they will all probably have to stay there for the duration as I've read it's not a good idea to make any changes that might be stressful for her. Otherwise it's carry on as normal and try to avoid water changes.
Hopefully in 4 weeks I'll be posting shrimplet pictures.
Can't stop smiling! lol
And now one of the new females is berried! So there's one in each of the shrimp tanks. They should produce shrimplets within days of each other.
Omg that is such good news :) can't wait for them to hatch and see lots of white pearls :)
I'm cautiously excited as they can lose their first ones to inexperience but so far so good!
How exciting. You'll have to try get some snaps
when you are up and running. Good luck 
Thanks Dandyman!

Will post pics as soon as they are big enough to spot!
Sad news! The original WP lost most of her eggs over a week and I found her dead at the weekend unfortunately.
Not sure what went wrong other than I may have startled her on one occasion as she seemed to jump a mile when I put a coffee mug down perhaps a bit noisily the day after I'd noticed she was berried.
Have no idea why she died tho - she'd got about 4 eggs left the last time I saw her alive. All parameters good.
Got a few females in the QT so I might transfer them over to the main tank tho I haven't seen the berried one lately. Not particularly worried as I hadn't seen any for a day or 2 and then yesterday saw 2 saddled females and 2 males at the same time so they're in there somewhere. 
Sorry there won't be any shrimplet pics just yet.
Am happy to announce that I was wrong and my girl is still alive and still carrying about 4 eggs!
Must have been a male that died and been 6 not 5 as I previously thought.
Was a very pleasant surprise to get home from work tonight to find a beautiful fat shrimp on show! She's obviously been in hiding all this time!
Mamashack said:
Am happy to announce that I was wrong and my girl is still alive and still carrying about 4 eggs!
Must have been a male that died and been 6 not 5 as I previously thought.
Was a very pleasant surprise to get home from work tonight to find a beautiful fat shrimp on show! She's obviously been in hiding all this time!

:yahoo: :yahoo: :band: :yahoo: :yahoo:
How exciting Mama. The show goes on.
Thanks, Dandyman! And to add to the joy, one of the "boys" is saddled now - obviously a late developer! lol
Mamashack said:
Thanks, Dandyman! And to add to the joy, one of the "boys" is saddled now - obviously a late developer! lol
Might be being stupid here, but what does saddled mean again? lol 
And hope all is well. Do you know when they usually give birth to the little shrimplets? 

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