Update: Zukaris Marine Aquarium


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
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So about a week ago I went out and saw this beautiful anemone, My tank was at 4 months of age (I know, early..) but I could not resist, he was on sale for 15 dollars...here are some shots. He is a sebae if anyone was curious, and I must say he is a hardy little bugger...he found a spot he likes and the clowns love him.

Pic 1

Looks nice and healthy? The camera does not give his color any true justice, he is a darker brown than that... Currently he is under 216 watts of light, and water conditions are perfect. Also feeding well, my poor chromie =(

Pic 2:

Pic 3:

Pic 4:

Pic 5:

Regarding the sump, It is still a work in progress...Im going to add a lot more LR obviously. But what I want/need to know is where I can find something to block the pump from the water coming down...Some sort of a filter/sponge? This way any debri that gets by will have to hit one more block, ideas? :crazy:

And yea, the camera I use is horrible, and I'm not exactly a pro at taking shots =/ should let the gf do it :good:

Any feedback?

It is a 55 gallon tank, I currently have a Blue devil, 2 clowns, honey damsel, A lawnmower blenny, and a three stripe damsel...is this a bit much? If it isn't I am thinking on adding a coral beauty. I know they are known to nip corals, but I'm so tempted...Would he get along with the other fish if I did decide to add one? There is no aggression currently.

Thanks, He is about the size of a small dinner plate when you look at him from above, Sadly I can't get a good shot of it...he normally only does that when he is hungry though.

Nice lookin nem in there. Remember, Seabae nems (as your chromis found out :() are exceptinally aggressive and will kill fish if given the opportunity. Try not to select bottom sleeping or slower-moving fish as tankmates. For the sump, you can totally add some more foam in there, just remember to try and keep it clean.
Which brings up a question... How do I keep it clean, drain it and wipe it down...is there and easier way?

And yea, I knew he was aggressive...the worse part is I was going to take the chromie to the LFS today...That's depressing :sick: .

Pull it out, run it through some water, and squeeze it out like a used sponge
^^ Sounds like a logical way of doing it.

I think I'll probably get some mushrooms after my vacation coming up if all things check out, may also get another rock (Cured of course).

Personally I wouldnt bother with more sponge, I would either have a biological media such as crushed live rock, or a chemical filteration such as carbon and phosphate remover. You can sometimes find that using sponge in a tank with live rock as the base filteration can be counter-productive.

Have a read of this article..


Good point, I have been keeping my eyes open for ugly cured LR to shove in the sump, sadly its not any cheaper!


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