Update On My Newb Tank!


New Member
Jun 10, 2007
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well i havent bin on here for a while... lost my link to it . haha. at the mo the tank is running preety stable after 3 weeks nearly. stats are :

PH - 8.0
Nitrite - 0.0
Nitrate- 0.0
Ammonia- 0.0

i have painted the back black. and have got a single powerhead in at the mo with 2x tunze nano streams on the way. the heater is keeping things at a lovely 79f and i have around 9 kilo's of live rock
getting some cleanup crew and some corals on the go next week. and hopefull a twin T5 compact 55w lighting system if my money allows me ::)

pics ::



what would ppl say is the best cleanup crew to get in ? and the best begginers corals ??

red leg hermit crabs less agreesicve then blue legged and cool to watch

a range of snails is always good tooo!

and starter corals things like ... mushrooms, leathers .... im not very wise with corals so u may have to wait for someone to give a definate answer!
Great start :good:

With twin PCs, you could grow softies and easier LPS :). Leathers, Xenia, star polyps, and palythoa are great options :)

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