Just a short update and some new pics to let you guys see what's happening with the tank.
Apologies in advance. The photos are really poor quality, as I can't deal with the flash without bringing the white balance down really low on the camera, hence everything looks really dark. I will get a polarising filter before I next post.
The aquascaping has had a re-jig, but I'm still not happy with it. The left habd side of the tank seems OK, but I don't like the right hand side.
The tank cycled in 10 days flat, which was really fast. I added my WCMM's as the ammonia source, and about 50% of the contents of the old external filter driving my small tank.
I also fixed the fluid bed filter, which is now running really well, but I need to sort out the plumbing properly, as it's messy as hell at the moment. Tank silicone didn't work, so I ended up gluing it all togther with superglue.
My current stock is as follows:
8 x neon tetras
5x corys ( 2x shwartzi, 2x jullii, 1 x bronze laser )
4x endlers ( male )
2x flag festivum cihlid
3x congo tetra's
The fish didn't all get added at once, they have been dribbled in over the last couple of weeks. Water stats are fantastic, with 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate after 2 weeks without a water change. Testing every day shows that I never had an ammonia spike since the cycle finished. I didn't believe this at first, so I got a secnd test kit, and boh showed deep green each time.
The festivums have colonised my big log at the left hand side. They are really cool fish, they swim and act like angels, but don't seem to have the aggression issues. Right now the two I have ( two females I think/hope ) are tiny, but will grow to about the size of your hand.
(apologies for bad pic, I have no idea hat happened here )
The cory's have taken over the right hand side of the tank with the sand and the smaller wood pile. They seem to love checking everythin out. They womble round the area as a group of five, with occasional forays around the rest of the tank.
However, when the lights go out, they move into the split in the tree truck on the left hand side of the tank.
The congos and the neons seem to love having lots of room to swim. The neon's often form a shoal and follow the congo's around, which is fun to watch.
Things that still ned to happen:
Sort out plumbing in garage
re-plant <anyone got any suggestions?>
finish stocking
trim the bottom of the tank with a wood veneer to hide polystyrene
Plan for next tank!!!!
Stocking will be as follows ( a lot of the fish currently in the tank will eventually go, mostly to DazPricy on this forum - darren! come and get your fish!! )
12 x congo tetra's
8x lemon tetra's
8x black widow tetra's
1 x male bistlenose
1x bulldog plec
15x dancing shrimp
15 x amaro shrimp
6x armoured shrimp
10x corys ( mixture of types )
6 x coolie loaches
2x festivum cichlids
hatchetfish for the top
black doradid or armoured catfish
elephant nose for the bottom.
However, the more reading I do about elephant noses, the more difficult they seem to keep.
Once again, sorry for the bad photo's, they will be better next time.