Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

Loaches are too loachy and all loachy-looking. They look like corys with rubber bands around their mouths. They have identity issues and can't decide if they are fish or snakes or rubber-band mouthed corys .

Yes! I hate loaches. They freak me out.
Ok, let's see here.
1. I HATE palmer aquatics. (i think i will get some that agree with me here)
2. Cory should loose weight. (again i think i will get some people that will agree with me)
3. Rachel needs to get some of her tattoos removed. They distract me form her WONDERFUL vids.
4. Angelfish can live in 29g tanks.
5. There is too much popcorn in this thread.
6. Corys dont need to be target fed AS LONG AS enough reaches the bottom
Cory has been loosing weight and getting healthier. You’re a pretty rude person, that’s my unpopular opinion
I've never given Rachel's hair or tattoos a second thought, despite not having any tattoos myself. It's just her look, and it suits her. I believe Cory has lost a great deal of weight, he's a lot slimmer in more recent videos.

But commenting on the looks of youtubers who aren't doing content remotely related to their looks feels awful to me. They're not modelling or doing fashion, they're incredibly knowledgeable and experienced fish tubers. Dictating that Cory should diet and Rachel should get rid of her personal body art because some stranger finds it distracting?? Such a bizarre thing to think, let alone say aloud.
I would agree - too many personal comments are made about people online.

No wonder so many young people - particularly girls - have body issues.
Shrimp are scary. They will rise up.
This is my Great Fear - that after aeons of wanton netting, they will form an invincible shrimp army and breach the oceans in their millions to wreak their many-legged, goggle-eyed revenge on humankind . . . .

I'm okay, though. Norman will protect me, won't you Norman?



<wonder why Norman won't meet my eye>
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You know, that's an interesting one. I don't find the tatoos and odd hair attractive at all. On the other hand, I have no reason to expect that dear Rachel gives a pleco's butt what I think about her appearance. :lol: On the third hand,* I've watched a few of Rachel's videos with my eleven-year-old, who commented, as eleven-year-olds will, on the odd appearance. I agreed, then told the Badgerling that Rachel is an incredibly skilled and knowledgeable, creative, dedicated person; from the little she's shared of her personal life, she seems to be a very strong, honest, deeply-feeling person, and based on the few times we've emailed back and forth, she is very friendly and has a great sense of humor. So, that's why we don't judge people by their appearances.

But yeah, the tattoos and hair can be distracting. You get used to them. As the late, great Rich Mullins said, "My friends ain't the way I wish they were; they are just the way they are."

*This comment made me really miss @Colin_T. Anybody heard from him lately?
I totally agree.
I still like her. In fact she's my favorite fish youtuber.
I dont judge people by their appearance. I may think that they should change it but what really matters is what's in their hear and/or heart.
I have to say i have started to get used to them.
I dont judge people by their appearance. I may think that they should change it but what really matters is what's in their hear and/or heart.
I mean you kind of are judging people by their appearance. You said that you think that Cory should lose weight (probably because you think that Cory is overweight) and that Rachel should remove some tattoos on her body. There's really no need to state what you think what people should look according to you. In my honest opinion, I feel like you're body-shaming Cory and Rachel for their appearance. If they're happy and healthy the way they are, then I'm totally okay with it.
I mean you kind of are judging people by their appearance. You said that you think that Cory should lose weight (probably because you think that Cory is overweight) and that Rachel should remove some tattoos on her body. There's really no need to state what you think what people should look according to you. In my honest opinion, I feel like you're body-shaming Cory and Rachel for their appearance. If they're happy and healthy the way they are, then I'm totally okay with it.
What i think i shared and if you are going to hate me for it so be it.
I'd think those things about anybody.
You can like part of a person and not the other part.
Im ok with it too. But i have an opinion.
I dont mean to be rude (i follow both of them) but i feel unfairly attacked because i have an opinion about people i like
What i think i shared and if you are going to hate me for it so be it.
I'd think those things about anybody.
You can like part of a person and not the other part.
Im ok with it too. But i have an opinion.
I dont mean to be rude (i follow both of them) but i feel unfairly attacked because i have an opinion about people i like
I don't hate you, but what you did was unjust. I'm sorry that you felt attacked, but someone needs to step up and explain what you did was wrong.
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