Unnatuaral Set-ups

If I ever get a large tank I wouldn't mind trying a sunken garden wall, possibly something with cracked decorative stonework.

The most tacky thing I've ever considered was designing a tank specifically for glofish that would look like the insides of a computer, with UV reactive airlines, etc
you mite get a virus in you tank lol :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
The Only person I have ever really seen pull of tacky "Decor" is Jennybugs with her car in the brackish tank, I think it looks good with the moonlight in it. Great Job Jenny on having the only tank that looks good with a tacky decor :p
I was going to say the same thing!
If I ever get a large tank I wouldn't mind trying a sunken garden wall, possibly something with cracked decorative stonework.

The most tacky thing I've ever considered was designing a tank specifically for glofish that would look like the insides of a computer, with UV reactive airlines, etc
you mite get a virus in you tank lol :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

OOOO I really like that guy coming out of the sand! That's pretty awesome looking and unique.

Anywho.... I personally don't really like the neon looking tanks with the multi-color gravel, decor etc etc that would blind you if you looked at it directly, but hey, to each their own. :D

Here are my own "tacky" setups. Actually, scratch out tacky, and replace it with messy :p heh
I put what I want in my tanks (so long as it's tank friendly that is)... and if people don't like it, tough doodoo! :D

28gal after it was setup after the move. Looks a bit different now. Has a big bush of hornwort in it, and a ton of hair algae... bleh


10gal, used to be betta tank... looks different now, trying to find a photo I took of it heh

3gal tank no longer in use (not atm at least :D). I loved that dragon decor, but it made the water stink like a huge fart.

Here's the ex-betta 10gal tank.. Pic was taken right after we moved in to new house... looks a bit different now. Has a large bush of hornwort in it and.. hair algae.. dang stuff! Don't have a better pic, and I'm too lazy to take another atm lol
Hey, I think the ruins look cool, and will look very cool indeed half-concealed in vegetation.
I had an old chunk of bogwood laid aside that I boiled up for a new tank I was setting up and planned to eventually put a dwarf plec in.
Took off the loose stuff, turned it round trying to see a good angle and, holy cow!
Duck tailed dino, complete with indents where eyes and nostrils would go, little horn on the end of the nose, even what looked like the start of legs with an elbow against the body on the good side.
So, corny or not, I plunked it, 'like so' wandering off almost behind a piece of upright slate and (sort of) hiding with its bulk some ugly plant pots supporting much of the 'jungle' (hah!) in behind.
The little plec lives in Dino, literally, and the rare sightings of more than a tail flicker are nearly always of him hanging off the outside of the thing.
So at least somebody approves.
Anywho.... I personally don't really like the neon looking tanks with the multi-color gravel, decor etc etc that would blind you if you looked at it directly, but hey, to each their own. :D

But then look at your tank, 2 of them have blinding gravel xD
All those so-called "tacky" tank set-ups are not at all tacky, as far as I'm concerned - they just appeal to different types of people and I think there is too much snobbery in fishkeeping these days.

What's wrong with making a tank look fun if that's what you're into? What's wrong with a bit of Spongebob if you're a fan of Spongebob, regardless of age? Or pirate ships if you're a fan of that sort of thing? I'm certain the fish don't mind LOL :hyper: Why refer to them as "tacky", I don't understand... makes it appear that there's something wrong with it - and there's not!

The style of tank we set up is just a reflection of our inner personality (or those of our children, grandkiddies etc) and I think it's unfair to belittle them and make owners of those tanks feel inferior and that they are not "proper" tanks and that there is embarrassment in owning such things.

Some people have a wacky sense of humour, or are into colour-scheming everything in the room - so what? Good for them, I say - not to feel like they need to conform to the "naturalistic" point of views. After all, there's nothing natural about keeping fish in a glass tank, no matter how many plants you shove in there.

So all of you out there who have purple gravel, pink plants, skulls, mermaids, boats, ruins, glow-in-the-dark stones etc - applaud yourselves for staying true to who you are and what you enjoy rather than just following the crowd because you feel you have to.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes...

All those so-called "tacky" tank set-ups are not at all tacky, as far as I'm concerned - they just appeal to different types of people and I think there is too much snobbery in fishkeeping these days.

What's wrong with making a tank look fun if that's what you're into? What's wrong with a bit of Spongebob if you're a fan of Spongebob, regardless of age? Or pirate ships if you're a fan of that sort of thing? I'm certain the fish don't mind LOL :hyper: Why refer to them as "tacky", I don't understand... makes it appear that there's something wrong with it - and there's not!

The style of tank we set up is just a reflection of our inner personality (or those of our children, grandkiddies etc) and I think it's unfair to belittle them and make owners of those tanks feel inferior and that they are not "proper" tanks and that there is embarrassment in owning such things.

Some people have a wacky sense of humour, or are into colour-scheming everything in the room - so what? Good for them, I say - not to feel like they need to conform to the "naturalistic" point of views. After all, there's nothing natural about keeping fish in a glass tank, no matter how many plants you shove in there.

So all of you out there who have purple gravel, pink plants, skulls, mermaids, boats, ruins, glow-in-the-dark stones etc - applaud yourselves for staying true to who you are and what you enjoy rather than just following the crowd because you feel you have to.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes...


Yawn such a long rant :p, If you had spongebob wall paper in your living room you would call it tacky. FIsh dont see spongebob etc in their tank in the wild so im speaking for all fish here with illuminous gravel and cartoon characters they think its tacky ASWELL....
Athena's perfectly right, of course, as we all have different taste and should certainly not be ashamed of the differences that make us individuals.
Doesn't mean we can't sneer at each others tanks, just means we have the right to sneer back.
We'll just hope the wind doesn't change while we're doing it, in case our faces freeze like that...
I used to have this massive castle in my 2nd set up but removed it now also got a giant helicopter over 30" long looks great but not used anymore shame when i think how much these things cost just lying around.



I think, when tastfully done, ornaments can look ALRIGHT. Personally, I would never put one in my tank because I prefer plants/wood/rocks etc! However, I have a toddler, and when she get's older she's bound to want ships/divers/sharks/spongebob etc in the tank. At that point, we get another tank (haha! MTS wins!!!) and it's 'her' tank and she can fill it with whatever she wants. Or if I'm lucky, we get a new BIG tank and a corner is hers and the rest is mine!!!
oh man i have seen a tank i would love to show you lot, but i can't for the life of me remember wher ei have seen the pic of it!

there's this guy who does proper planted tanks then throws in random ornaments and decor, definately off the wall planted tanks but they look fantastic!

will wrack my brain to try and work out where the picure was from.

all our tanks are naturalish, but i have to say i hope we have daughters one day cos I sooooo wanna set up an all pink barbie themed tank :lol:

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