Unknown Ailment

I'll be feeding some frozen foods on Thursday, blood worm, possibly via tweezers or even by hand (the WCMMs will probably snap them up quickly enough). I'm going to temper my enthusiasm for live foods at the moment due to the situation with the Clown Loach; he has been out and about tonight, active and scouring for food, although he is far more skittish than before (it's like I need his permission to be in the room) *touch wood*. Afterall, his problems started soon after I fed some live food, and while I was stupid and poured into the tank water from the bag, I'm going to still be very careful even with more sensible methods of preparing live food; they aren't completely bacteria or parasite proof, and I hesitate to mess with myxazin too often.
I bought frozen foods from LFS and had no problems.. Kept away from tubiflex worms though.
Try and get some daphnia as its a good laxative like peas.
Yeah, I have some frozen bloodworm. It's just that, at the moment, given the whole situation, I am extremely hesitant to go the live food route again. Once the Clown Loach is rehomed, that will change. I almost didn't even consider bloodworm because online, images of it looked suspiciously like tubifex, and I wondered if they were the same thing (I'd read about the problems with tubifex, so the visual similarity sent alarm bells ringing).
Bloodworms are fine. Just don't over feed them as it can lead to bloating.
Tubifex looks disgusting and they look stringy and awful. 
I'll be hand feeding these ones after dethawing, it's very effective when feeding pea. The one male WCMM doesn't appear to have too much of an appetite currently, he does school with the others when it comes to feeding, but he isn't quick on the draw and doesn't seem interested in pea at the very least (on Friday he did catch some flake food by the looks of his stomach, but when I fed the flake food he didn't school like when I fed the pea).
Just keep a close eye on him. Even though I know you are.
Make sure he's not resting for long periods of time.
He's never been one for eating that much (almost always seems to have a flattish stomach, it's the females that stuff themselves). He still gets into displaying matches with the other minnows, so he's active. I'll definitely keep my eye on him.
As long as his tummy not sunken in.
May aswell continue using this thread for now.
I fed the dethawed frozen bloodworm tonight, took about half a block or so and left it for an hour and a half. I used the knife with which I cut the pea buds to scoop bloodworm out of a plastic jug and place into the tank. The WCMMs really went at it, although I managed to get some to the gravel for the Clown Loach. I didn't feed it all as I'm going to have to gauge the correct amount through trial and error. However, the one male WCMM didn't seem interested again, he wasn't schooling with the others at first. He did eventually join up, but I'm not sure if he ate anything; I fed a little flake food to mix it up and ensure the Clown Loach got something to eat if I really did underfeed on the bloodworm, but even then that male WCMM didn't seem that interested. I might be wrong and just didn't see him eat anything, I'll being continuing to keep a close eye on him. A water change is planned for tomorrow anyway (deliberately fed the frozen bloodworm prior to a planned change in case there is additional muck to clean up).
I just hope the WCMMs didn't eat too much bloodworm...paranoid about that now. I'll have to use pipettes to get bloodworm closer to the gravel.
Sorry been away.
How are the fish doing?
For now, they seem mostly okay. Water tests on Sunday came up with Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, pH 7.0-7.5, Nitrates 10-20ppm. One WCMM appeared to have clamped fins this evening, but I'm just observing at the moment without jumping to conclusions. The WCMM who wasn't eating has been eating, he got some pea yesterday and also some flake food. I've replaced the old catfish pellets (which I wasn't using anyway) with Tetra Prima pellets as flake food isn't sufficient for the Clown Loach (nor is just pea or bloodworm), I'll be trying to find a way to get pea to him into the castle and also feeding the frozen bloodworms again later this week. Other greens I might look into, but I'm very fussy when it comes to preparing foods and whether or not I will contaminate the food or poison the fish with the food... Last week I emailed one potential contact on the Fish Orphans Scheme, no reply yet, may try another soon if I don't hear anything back within another week. I've also posted this thread, http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/432425-replacing-fluval-filter-media-with-care/, as that's something I've been holding off for a while for fear of making matters even worse.
Does  not sound good if the WCMM is clamping and not eating to well.
Has he lost weight and gone thin?
At least you are trying to rehome. It's not all ways easy. Only being able to buy fish.
Good lesson I learn't was to research the fish before you buy. For tank size, adult size. 
compatibility with fish you already have.< diet needs. 
Oh, the WCMM who wasn't eating is eating, this is another WCMM and I've noticed the males have a knack for clamping their fins when they're just fine. His caudal fin was fine, not clamped.
Good luck with the fish orphan scheme.
Let me know how you get on if you don't mind.
A half of a new pad now in the filter, squishing against part of the old pad (not removed any of the old pad as of yet). I did have to quickly dip some scissors in a 10 litre bucket dirty tank water prior to cutting the new foam pad in half, and thoroughly washed the new pad in the same bucket of water (about 10 litres, old pads cleaned into it) - hope they don't get poisoned by anything like soap. The scissors were dry, but I get ever so paranoid over introducing any chemicals into the tank. The time it takes me to wash my hands in cold water before I clean the tank... I even wiped the new pad against the inside of the filter housing in case it gathered any further bacteria. Fortunately, it's in nitrogen-cycle central.
I finally did it, finally started to phase in new filter foam. Not doing what I did back in 2012...

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