Unknown Ailment

I suffer with anxiety but luckily never had the hand washing ritual. It sounds awful. Don't worry to much.
Easy said than done. I know.
Hows it going with your fish?
I hadn't checked this thread in a while, sorry for the delay. Everything is okay at the moment *touch wood*. Noting that nitrates appear to be on the up (looking at 30ppm or more), but I have a new test kit and I'm not sure if the old one was inaccurate (over a year and three months of use) or if the new one is inaccurate - or if both are. Nutrafin liquid test kit, specifically - I might benefit from an API Master Test Kit to see if the results are consistent. Doing water changes to combat the situation, did an 8-10L on Wednesday and will be doing one today, then a 4-5L on Monday followed by Thursday (8-10L) and then Sunday (8-10L). I've cut down on the feeding, but I'm still feeding - managed to get some Pleco Multi-wafers that the Clown Loach spends over an hour playing around with and devouring, not feeding it each feeding time and not entirely certain how often they should be fed (feeding schedule. My frozen bloodworm is somewhat questionable - defrosted another block last night and brown/greenish bloodworm was in that block as in the previous one a few weeks ago (3rd of May), not feeding that (don't wish to risk it).
Thank You. Glad things are going well.
Not sure on how often you feed the wafers as never kept clown loaches.
You could ask in tropical discussion.

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