Always look on the bright side of life..
Oh, & lucky guess, the float switch should work as is (no need for the inverter part of the circuit IC2B to be 'cut in').
Yes, everthing. (erm, resistors don't have orientation).
Components that do will be:
diodes (do you know how to identify the cathode & anode?) - Yep, cathode is resembled by the line (or K on the schematic)
electrolytic capacitors (do you know how to identify the [+] & [-] legs?) Should have one of the leads marked as +
IC's (do you know how to identify pin 1?) Dont they have a notch or dot on pin1?
LEDs (do you know how to identify the cathode & anode?) Cathode has the flat piece inside the LED
Bridge rectifier (do you know how to identify [+][-][~][~]?) Can you let me know this one plz
I have to ask! Some of the components will simply not work if you get them wrong (the diodes LEDs & bridge rectifier) others will blow up (electrolyics & ICs).
It should be fine!!
Do NOT make the mistake of soldering ALL the bits in, plugging into mains & hoping the whole thing will just work. You have to have some nounce about you (again, I have to ask as I don't want you wasting money on breaking things). When the time comes, if you want' I will tell you the assembly & testing process that I would go through if I were building it. It may be a good idea, certainly when wiring up the PSU, that you provide close-up photos of your assembly work so that I can at the very least visually inspect it for you if you think that's a good idea. If the worst comes to the worst, I'm quite happy for you to send me the whole thing so that I can get it working for you if you get stuck.... But hey, where's the fun in that?![]()
Get it out of the packet - it's marked on the body!Also the [+] lead is the flattened body side, either side of '+' are the '~' terminals, the '-' is opposite.
Hey you're right. Silly me. Let's not waste any more time & effort then and not bother with the PCB then?
erm, not with you there mate.I can get a 12v connector plug and wire the switches into that
I'll get back to you on that one.as for the buzzer - what do you recommend?
God I'm good. No, honestly I am. Anyone?.... (tumble weed)
Bloody cheap-skates. Usually those boxes come with the PCB holders. They slot into grooves. Hell the datasheet for the box even had a drawing of it.
Go see for yourself & when you find it, post a link would you?
erm, not with you there mate.I can get a 12v connector plug and wire the switches into that
I'll get back to you on that one.
So whats the plan of action if it works? If you wouldnt mind someone else building one?
What I mean is if t works, how much would you guys want for the parts to build it and for designing it?
I mean least you could do is charge for the drawings and designs and parts list to build it??
How much for the pcb or is it gonna be a one off?