Un natural things in your tanks, that become your fishes favorite habitat…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
So I wasn’t sure about adding the big resin pagoda’s into my Asian tank, but they have become several of the fishes favorite habitats… the bottom ( legs hold the bottom of the pagoda about 4 - 6 inches off the bottom of the tank ), has become the favorite place for the Denison barbs to hang out… several of the fish actually go inside of them, and the Hillstream’s and Pandas, can always be found playing on them, or grazing on the roofs

I think it was @GaryE … that mentioned once about catching wild fish amongst the garbage in Africa???

So what un natural thing have you put in your tank, that has become a favorite place for fish to hang out???
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We found Synodontis cats and various Mormyrids in lost laundry. People wash their clothes in flowing streams, and sometimes things get away. Plus it seems a lot of the donated clothing from here ends up dumped there. One woman said "I don't know why anyone throws old clothing in the streams, and why they don't burn it like normal people."

Plastics and such were rare sightings, but clothing was everywhere, even in seemingly pristine streams. Some of the polyester type things will be there for a very long time. It's another downside of disposable fashion we don't dispose of ourselves.

People are the same the world over - here; there's a small percentage of people who throw garbage out of cars, or dump it in the graveyard across the road. The number of fast food wrappers and containers thrown from pickup truck and car windows is hard to believe.

So decor wise, put some branches near the filter outflow, and snag some 'fast fashion' in it. That's authentic scaping.
I keep my tanks pretty natural, but I often add one little human artifact from the part of the world I'm trying to recreate. My 55g has a tiny gong fu teapot from Yunnan, turned sideways and half buried in the sand. Nobody has taken up residence, since I don't have those kinds of fish, but the sand loaches and Padamya barbs enjoy swimming in and out of it.
Fish don't care whether their "decor" are natural or man-made as long as they meet their behavioral needs.

This is perfect proof of this. Provides shelter, line sight breaks, and an algae grazing surface for your grazers.

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