Originally a Fish Geek, been out 15 Years, back with a Vengeance

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welcome!!! so happy to hear you are getting back into it.. i started a new tank up last weekend after not having one for 5+years and i feel like a little kid again and spending wayyy too much money on it haha. cant wait to see more from you! :)
lets not talk about the money... before I always bought local / semi local... now add $20.00 - $80.00 for shipping to the cost of the fish:sad:
Might take some heat for this tank... this is totally out of box, not me at all, but pushing the limits is sometimes where it's at...living carpet filter, man made fish ( what the heck is that??? ) I never bought a painted glass fish in my life, & now there are these man made fish???

this tank is still under construction, & this is an older picture... the helmets will cover the power heads in the corners, there is a resin Viking Ship going along the back, on the 50 yard line... I had to put the score board & spot lights on a switch, they were Algae magnets, so I only turn them on for display... the white "zombie" fish have been replaced with gold Glo fish ( what? more man made fish??? ) a skimmer has been added on the opposite side of the heater, to remove some surface scum from the brine shrimp & tubiflex cubes I feed on occasion... Java Moss is shooting out runners about inch & a half, so it's going to be a nice "sod"

I tried keeping some Zebra ottos in here for referees, ( a zoom shows a zebra otto on the right side power cord ) but if anyone has one of these, you're doing good, they are very hard to get started in an aquarium... out of 4, I was able to keep one, I moved him into my rainbow tank a while back... haven't seen anymore available since... now have some Sterba's Corys ( 4 ) coming today for the referees... Pom Pom crabs for cheerleaders, & a few yellow ( maybe orange ) shrimp to be flags on the field, & to help the crabs work the moss

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Might take some heat for this tank... this is totally out of box, not me at all, but pushing the limits is sometimes where it's at...living carpet filter, man made fish ( what the heck is that??? ) I never bought a painted glass fish in my life, & now there are these man made fish???

this tank is still under construction, & this is an older picture... the helmets will cover the power heads in the corners, there is a resin Viking Ship going along the back, on the 50 yard line... I had to put the score board & spot lights on a switch, they were Algae magnets, so I only turn them on for display... the white "zombie" fish have been replaced with gold Glo fish ( what? more man made fish??? ) a skimmer has been added on the opposite side of the heater, to remove some surface scum from the brine shrimp & tubiflex cubes I feed on occasion... Java Moss is shooting out runners about inch & a half, so it's going to be a nice "sod"

I tried keeping some Zebra ottos in here for referees, but if anyone has one, you're doing good... out of 4, I was able to keep one, I moved him into my rainbow tank... haven't seen anymore available since...

I love this! I'm not a fan of Glofish on principle but I absolutely love the concept, that is so fun 😅
Might take some heat for this tank... this is totally out of box, not me at all, but pushing the limits is sometimes where it's at...living carpet filter, man made fish ( what the heck is that??? ) I never bought a painted glass fish in my life, & now there are these man made fish???

this tank is still under construction, & this is an older picture... the helmets will cover the power heads in the corners, there is a resin Viking Ship going along the back, on the 50 yard line... I had to put the score board & spot lights on a switch, they were Algae magnets, so I only turn them on for display... the white "zombie" fish have been replaced with gold Glo fish ( what? more man made fish??? ) a skimmer has been added on the opposite side of the heater, to remove some surface scum from the brine shrimp & tubiflex cubes I feed on occasion... Java Moss is shooting out runners about inch & a half, so it's going to be a nice "sod"

I tried keeping some Zebra ottos in here for referees, but if anyone has one, you're doing good... out of 4, I was able to keep one, I moved him into my rainbow tank... haven't seen anymore available since...

nice, i don't like the tanks where they mix the glowfish colors but with just one color it looks nice.
this is a picture from the supplier of the new "refs",... I like Cory's, I have a few of a different variety in every tank right now... thinking I'm going to like these guys as much as my black ones that are in the Tin Foil barb tank, that are currently my favorite cory

Welcome to our forum... :hi:
And welcome back to the hobby... :good:
this is a picture from the supplier of the new "refs",... I like Cory's, I have a few of a different variety in every tank right now... thinking I'm going to like these guys as much as my black ones that are in the Tin Foil barb tank, that are currently my favorite cory

I like them! are they sterbai cories?
sorry listed that in the original thread ( added later )

yes, website listed the spelling as "Sterba's", they sound like a good fit, I've been trying to find an ideally black & white striped fish for the referees... these not really black nor white, & not fully striped, but highly active, & not afraid to get out there & be seen... others closer matching the look I was looking for, have been too hard to keep, & not liking the open lay out of the football tank

the dealer sent me a couple extra... I want 4 in there, I'll put all of them in the tank, if all, of them make it, I'll relocate a couple later...
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I need to clean the glass, & take some new tank pictures... was looking at the pictures taken at that time of the Tin Foil barb tank posted in this thread, & the Tin Foil barbs have doubled in size since I took that picture... the Angel 45 tank, with the tall stalks of bamboo, the foliage at the top is twice the size as it was in that posted picture... my dominant Male Madagascar Rainbow, ( not pictured yet ) looks nicer than most pictures I can find on the web, ( there are 2 males & 2 female Madagascar's in that tank ) & he has started flashing one of the females with the most color, & one of my Red Rainbow females... I should be able to get a picture of him pretty soon... that tank has been hard to be patient with, as they were all purchased about 1/2 grown... the boesemani rainbow, don't really have any color yet, & are probably the most immature, so the urge to over feed is strong, trying to get them to grow... that's partly why I put corys in there, to work over the gravel for food that didn't get eaten, that tank has 4 agassizi corys
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