Uk People

i think its just because alot of the people on here from the uk are older so can afford to spend money on their tanks where as the US seems to be kids keeping bettas? just a thought
i think its just because alot of the people on here from the uk are older so can afford to spend money on their tanks where as the US seems to be kids keeping bettas? just a thought
I'm considering an "Ian H Fan Club". You're making me laugh lately.
Juwel and Fluval are European made, hence its easier for us to get them. You guys in the US get everything much cheaper than us though as mentioned.

i think our equivalent to juwel and fluval is all-glass and top fin. it's the same setup tho. keep the glass box replace everything else. the prices are comparable in most cases tho. 5 pounds/euros/dollars buys the same amount in each respective country.

as far as Ian h's comment, it makes sense in a way. your's is an older culture than ours and has been fishkeeping for 2 thousand years longer than us. :)

i'd deffinitely move to the UK if i could. i loved it there when i visited
Yanks will never move here-they get a phobia when they have to buy petrol with hefty tax on it!!!!!!!!!!
Juwel and Fluval are European made, hence its easier for us to get them. You guys in the US get everything much cheaper than us though as mentioned.

i think our equivalent to juwel and fluval is all-glass and top fin. it's the same setup tho. keep the glass box replace everything else. the prices are comparable in most cases tho. 5 pounds/euros/dollars buys the same amount in each respective country.

as far as Ian h's comment, it makes sense in a way. your's is an older culture than ours and has been fishkeeping for 2 thousand years longer than us. :)

i'd deffinitely move to the UK if i could. i loved it there when i visited

I think your mad for wanting to live in UK, the weather sucks, tax is high and tanks and fish are expense (not to mention lots of grumpy people and it being drummed into our heads that we should be counting every calorie and constantly feeling guilty about our carbon footprint even for turning the heating on or washing our clothes at a higher temperature or baths etc. etc.!).

My 3 foot jewel cost me £400, I would trade it in for a cheaper american version along with the weather and everything else that is cheaper! I had to save for around six months! I wish I could live in America! Grass is always greener on the other side...
Aye.... Bad weather in England
But we don't have devistating huricanes.
I would love to visit America, maybe for a year. But as my home? Nope.
We have some amazing history. Sure, our prices are high. But in one sense, it's worth it to being in the "Great" Britain.
I don't know, years ago I'd have moved. But England is built in.
Its all swings and roundabouts and whats good for someone,isnt good for someone else. I just hope the americans do ignore their carbon footprint so raising the temperature over here in the winter so i dont have so much of a problem keeping my tanks warm.....(only kidding) :hyper:
(Quote) Dont be jealous of juwel, lord knows why there so popular, only thing that people keep (as stated) is the glass box all hardware is naff (I know, I have one myself)...Praise cheaper eheim though haha

Jewel tanks are excellent value for money, and there's nothing wrong with them especially the filters if you let them do their job.
Unless you are 1 of these people that change water every week in a mature tank when there's nothing wrong with it, or mess with the filter when it don't need messing with, then they are a good starting point.
(Quote) Dont be jealous of juwel, lord knows why there so popular, only thing that people keep (as stated) is the glass box all hardware is naff (I know, I have one myself)...Praise cheaper eheim though haha

Jewel tanks are excellent value for money, and there's nothing wrong with them especially the filters if you let them do their job.
Unless you are 1 of these people that change water every week in a mature tank when there's nothing wrong with it, or mess with the filter when it don't need messing with, then they are a good starting point.

Do you work for Juwel or maybe have a lot of shares in the company?

Juwel tanks are heaps of expensive nicely packaged rubbish aimed at catching the eye of those new to the hobby and are only suited for keeping tiny fish which produce no bio load, very few experienced serious hobbiests would even consider one and those who already had bought them in the past have mostly stripped the guts out of them and just kept the glass so that kind of tells you that they arent all that.

...and just how often do you recomend changing the water in a mature tank then? Years ago people believed that keeping fish in aged water was best and that you should leave the tank alone as much as possible only changing water every 6 months or so, at the same time there were only a handfull of species regularly available and most of the exotics were considered impossible to keep in aquaria. Thankfully the hobby has moved on and we now know that clean fresh water is the best thing for fish and that regular partial water changes keep the nitrates and dissovled organic solids levels low which allows us to keep a wider variety of species and even breed many of the species previously thought of as difficult or impossible.
Have to agree, I would have second thoughts buying Juwel again, spent over 140 quid on light units in last year...
oh dear does that mean my juwel will cause me problems in times to come? or is once the tank is a bit older......i'm not bitter as the tank was a bargain compared to what I would have paid for it where I everything by comparison is good and cheaper.....and also mine is only a small juwel tank, so i do only have small fish with small bioload, but that's because its all i have space for in a 1 bedroom mine for ideal really.....if it causes me problems in under a year....i'll be back to agree.....but no problems so far *touch wood* :good:
Yanks will never move here-they get a phobia when they have to buy petrol with hefty tax on it!!!!!!!!!!

Have you seen the gas/petrol prices here? i spend $100 a week going to and from work

Juwel and Fluval are European made, hence its easier for us to get them. You guys in the US get everything much cheaper than us though as mentioned.

i think our equivalent to juwel and fluval is all-glass and top fin. it's the same setup tho. keep the glass box replace everything else. the prices are comparable in most cases tho. 5 pounds/euros/dollars buys the same amount in each respective country.

as far as Ian h's comment, it makes sense in a way. your's is an older culture than ours and has been fishkeeping for 2 thousand years longer than us. :)

i'd deffinitely move to the UK if i could. i loved it there when i visited

I think your mad for wanting to live in UK, the weather sucks, tax is high and tanks and fish are expense (not to mention lots of grumpy people and it being drummed into our heads that we should be counting every calorie and constantly feeling guilty about our carbon footprint even for turning the heating on or washing our clothes at a higher temperature or baths etc. etc.!).

My 3 foot jewel cost me £400, I would trade it in for a cheaper american version along with the weather and everything else that is cheaper! I had to save for around six months! I wish I could live in America! Grass is always greener on the other side...

what's a carbon foot print? :blush: anyway it's not cheap here either but as eddie izzard says "i grew up in europe, where the history comes from" i'm jealous of that
"Have you seen the gas/petrol prices here? i spend $100 a week going to and from work"

It's $100 to fill up the tank ONCE here. ;)

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