Tyler's 29Gal. Tank Project!

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It appears my tank has finally, actually, REALLY cycled... The ammonia went up then down and nitrates up a little and now all stats are 0. My only concern now is salinity and I've been doing my best without a refractometer. The Reef store nearby has been out of stock and they have a great deal on a well reviewed one. I am hoping they have one by this weekend so I can watch it closer. Once I have one, I am thinking about getting my Clown Goby! and my Fire shrimp.

I am debating however if I should get a cleaner shrimp first or just go with my fire shrimp. My tank might be to small for both? Not sure.

Oh UPDATE: I have removed (3) Aptasia from the tank simply by breaking off the small frag of LR they were on. They were basically on nubs so I snapped em off and away they went! Was glad I did not have to remove the entire rock display to burn em off. Also I have coralline growing now, and a lot of baby feather dusters seem to be growing. They look like TINY TINY white twists of calcium deposit that were not there before, but are popping up all over. I have several dusters that are out and opened up, a few white and a few that have darker patterns on their white "feathers".

I found out that one of my Cerith snails really did get murdered by my red hermit, because he stole the shell! It was about a 4X the shell size upgrade for him. He had trouble managing it at first staying low in the rocks and substrate, but now he's packing it around all over up high in the rocks. LOL. RIP snail.

YAY FINALLY got a refractometer! I calibrated with RO like three times to make sure it was perfect, then tested my waters. It came out at..... 1.027

A little higher than I was hoping. My goal is 1.025 so I will slowly make the change in the next day to get it there.

UPDATE: Still dealing with snail issues (all dying). I have 2hour acclimated with 1drip per second checked ammonia nitrites nitrates all really good actually. Temp at 77F. I have good turnover in the tank about 18X thanks to my new hydor koralia. The snails that have held true are the Astreas. They have been in the tank two weeks and are active as can be. My nassarius snails are gone, and I lost 3 ceriths (crabs stole shells) there is algae growing through the tank so I am not so sure its food supply. The LFS dude thinks it might be my bristleworm??? The tank has been running 30 days now.

LFS guy recommended getting a green chromis to test the waters out so I have had one in for about a week, feeding him frozen brine twice a day. Very active and cute little guy. Comes right up to the glass whenever I come by (noone else though.. wierd).

I am wanting also to change out the sand and substrate crap I got from petco as its TOO sandy (like play sand, but from pet store..said cycled live sand) and then tiny shells/crushed shells from another bag. Id like to put real aragonite the medium grain stuff in there that looks nicer and is easier for the snails to move around too. Not sure how to go about emptying the tank and replacing it though =/.

Thanks for tuning in!

Great things are happening in the tank. We have algae growth and some other cool things. Snails are no longer dying! I got some great advice and we found that copper was the culprit and it was because of the first time I filled my tank. Stupid.

OK Anyway I am very happy with my tank at this point. I got my Clown Goby and a Fighting Conch! I need to get my Fire Shrimp soon so he can help clean the tank. Not sure if I should get one or two. And #41#### they are expensive.

I will post some pictures of the tank as it is very soon.

I also got bored at work today and started drawing my "dream tank". I think I am going to start collecting the pieces gradually. I will build the stand and hood myself and do LED lighting underneath. The rear of the hood will remain open as to let air in and out of it. I will screen it to keep fish in and the kitty out! I may not even need the screen, but im a bit worried about my firefish jumping out after I get him.

The main tank will be 75 US Gallons with a 15-20 Gal. sump. My current tank is 29gal, I think it might be too big, but that is yet to be determined.

Here are some renderings I have made up today.



UPDATE!!! Here are some recent photos. Enjoy.

Some mushrooms! Were $5 each =)

The LFS called this a watermelon mushroom

Had a hard time getting a good shot of my Goby. He is kind of quick and my camera sucks!

And my overview shot.
UPDATE 11/21/11

I have attached a few photos so you can see some of the changes going on. The rock is taking on coralline algae as well as cyanobacteria. I have been trying to redirect flow to get rid of the cyano and shortened the lights form 12 hrs to 10 hours. I think I need one more powerhead to move things about. Hope you like! Oh, I also added a cute xenia which I love. It opens up and the short ones have gotten a little longer in the past two weeks.





Todays Parameters:

Temp: 79F
Salinity: 1.024 (calibrated each time I test)
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrates: Need New Test
PH: 8.0
Awwww that's so cute. I like it. Your rock work is very interesting to me. That is a nice mushroom.

Nice looking tank, Tyler. Keep up the good work :good:
Thanks guys/gals. I am working on it as I have only had the tank up since mid September. I hope to get a torch coral and a couple clowns after I get my new lighting over the tank!

What current lighting are you using Tyler, T5s?
Nope... Its CRAPPY T-8 18 Watts I think. I found a stellar deal and am going to buy THIS


Should take care of all the tanks needs.

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Nope... Its CRAPPY T-8 18 Watts I think. I found a stellar deal and am going to buy THIS


Should take care of all the tanks needs.


The second would be best IMO. More bulbs more light.
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I bet you could sell those twin T8's though. Planted tanks love twin T8's. Especially when used in conjunction with CO2.

Let us know what you decided to get. Hahaha, I hate my PC bulbs in my 36g. I really want a MH for that tank now. LOLOLOL No money, though!
I bet you could sell those twin T8's though. Planted tanks love twin T8's. Especially when used in conjunction with CO2.

Let us know what you decided to get. Hahaha, I hate my PC bulbs in my 36g. I really want a MH for that tank now. LOLOLOL No money, though!

Ya it gets pricey. Ebay is by far the place to get your light fixtures though. Similar ones are twice the price at the LFS. Not only that, the fixtures I plan on getting are BULBS INCLUDED! The 4 bulbs are more expensive if bought individually than the entire fixture is.

I have a new addition!!! I will post a picture when he/she opens up this evening. I bought a duncan frag. I dripped him in last night with my first turbo and pinned his frag stone right where I want him to grow! The frag head was very tightly closed until I got it set, it has reached maybe 20% of open since being in the tank now =) I am so excited to see it open all the way!!!

Also I did not pay as much attention, but my xenia kinda shrinks at night, not too tight and begins to pulse. It is very cool!

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