Yea I meant in the place of. My heart is set on my original stocking list. I was looking at other rasboras, and there is so many variants. I saw these really cool ones at my LFS that had like bronze axes? Would those work in place of the harlequins? Or what about the super green ones?
The "bronze axe" rasboras you saw sound like Trigonostigma hengeli, or less likely T. espei, which are very close species and in the same genus as the common Harlequin (T. heteromorpha). They are better choices in my view, as I think we have already mentioned previously in this thread.
When you go to the store, write down the fish name, and try to get the scientific name. Stores will usually give you this if you ask. Common names are frequently misleading because the store may make them up. I've no idea what "super green" refers to.
But do always ask here about the fish before acquiring them; not all stores will allow returns, and you could end up with something that decimates your tank.