Trying To Breed My Cories

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Well done - the difference in the cories will be amazing :lol:

It will clear over the next day or so :good:

Okay, thanks hun, I'll leave well alone. The cories are still going beserk - especially the bronzes. I'm on egg watch :lol:
my cories love there new sand! its amazing to watch them sift through the sand :hyper:

Still no luck in getting mine to breed :(

Well I've just switched on the light and it's looking better - it's not just my cories that seem happier, the platies seem more relaxed aswell.

They will breed when they are ready - that's the one thing I've learned in my attempt to breed mine. No amounts of cold water will force them. Also, when I begun this thread I think mine were still too young. Now we're months down the line and they are older they are starting to breed. I've yet to get my bronzes to breed but I'm giving them time. Now they are happier I may see some eggs from them aswell.

Good luck with yours Gavin :)
well now the cories have eaten all their pellets I'm about to have my very first go at vacuuming sand .... this could be fun :fun:
Ha ha i remember my first attempt with cleaning sand :rolleyes: :lol: ended up with alot in the bucket :lol:

Once you get the knack you'll be fine :good:

My albinos didnt breed in the main tank to start with,i put them in a smaller tank to condition them,next day they laid eggs :rolleyes: since then they spawn in the main tank...
well I used my algarde vac - the one that attaches to an air pump. The air pump is in use for the 2 cory eggs I found yesterday so it's regulation valve is on. I attached the vac and turned the valve right down and used it to adjust the amount of 'suction' on the vac. It seemed to work and all I had in the bag was some of the detritus that had blown out of the filter after switching it back on and a tiny bit of poop. There was a really small amount of sand in aswell but it was so tiny it's hardly worth mentioning.
I've now added the rest of the plants (after a severe prune) and my other bit of bog wood and a rock. Not sure about the rock yet but I'll live with it for a few days.

Okay, now my reason for posting back:

One thing I've noticed - as the morning has gone on my bronze cories have become lighter in colour and my peppered are slowly going more silvery. They really are little cameleons! They went really dark on the black substrate now they're lightening their colour for the sand. It's a bit odd :lol:

I'll try and get a pic at some point today and you can all tell me what you think :)
Lucky you on the successful vac. I still get loads in my bucket if I'm not not paying attention. I'm glad the cories are happy! It makes sense they would change a little with the substrate.
I'm about to make them even happier by feeding bloodworms :lol:
They do tend to blend in with their substrate :lol:

Did the bloodworm do anything......... :hey: :lol:
as promised ...




And for comedy falue this gets me pmsl!! S'cuse me guys, don't mind if I just lie on you and have a rest ... you look like comfy pillows lol :lol:


My cories are crazy :fun:
They do tend to blend in with their substrate :lol:

Did the bloodworm do anything......... :hey: :lol:

They're going nuts! The bronzes especially. They're zooming around like they've got go faster stripes!

Can't see no eggs yet but if they carry on like this I expect to be seeing them soon (if not tonight then sooner rather than later - they're maturing now I think)

I'll keep ya posted. Still got the 2 eggs from yesterday to hatch :)
Looks fab hun :good: well done :)

That cory in the corner looks like a good chunky female, and t'other one is either had a good haul of bloodworm or full of eggs :lol:
yeah, I think both those bronzes are female - I think I've only got the one male and that could be the reason why there's still no eggs from them. I've been considering getting one more bronze but it would be just my luck it would be another female!

The peppered laying on them is male I think. He keeps following those two around like a lost sheep but they are all still quite young. Maybe he'll learn in time :lol:

Anyway, glad you both like the change over. It's growing on me - I like the fact that it's not so dark in the tank now and I can see a lot more of the goings on. My blue tuxedo platies now look white though and I miss the blue tinge they had before - it really showed against the black - guess I can't have it all though :)

Right, time to feed them and go on the hunt for any hidden eggs :hey:
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