Trying To Breed My Cories

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seen some rather nice fine black gravel at my LFS today. but it was rather at expensive at something like £10 for 10kg if i remember correctly. they had normal sand at about £12 for 10 kg or something. if i wanted normal sand id just get argos sand which is like £3 for 15 kg. which i might have to settle for.

i also got 2 bottles of PRIME free cuz the till woman didnt scan it and i was on the phone so didnt notice. :hyper: :hyper: £23 discount looool

i had every intention of paying but didnt notice the price on the receipt till i got in the car. then i just thought "ah well im out the the shop now"
Having another go at getting some eggs.

They'll had bloodworm for tea and they were looking a bit like they were in the mood so I've dropped in one and a half algae wafers and they're going a bit nuts.

Wish me luck :)
i have quite a lot of corys.

is it normal for say a peppered to show A LOT of interest in another species female? i believe shes female anyways she is almost twice as big as the rest of the albinos. one of my new peppered just wont leave her alone, not attacking or anything but constantly has to be near almost schooling with her?

is this normal?
yes, my bronze and peppered gang swim, play and lounge around together. I've even got a male peppered that thinks he's a bronze
it's looking good for some breeding tonight. I changed 2 buckets of water (about 10-12 litres) for cold at lunchtime and gave them their favourite food (dried tubiflex blocks) and they're now looking like they're in spawning mood.

I'll keep you all posted :)
no eggs :(

Plan B now being put into action ... as in feed them + leave them to it - it worked the last time :)

My cories seem to be on their own agenda. No amount of cold water seems to make a difference - it's either that or they are laying eggs in unseeable, unreachable places
okay, I think I may have just witnessed a T position (not seen it before) in terms of position which is the female and which is the male?

I ask because if the female makes up the horizontal line and the male makes up the vertical then the peppered cory that I thought was male may not be :crazy:

They went off into the leaves together afterwards. I went in and parted the leaves to look for eggs. I saw 2 tiny white dots on the glass but in trying to remove them I squashed both of them :look:

I refuse to be beaten :angry:
I think I've made up my mind. I'm gonna get another bag of the argos playsand and I'm changing to sand.

I've had a clean out this afternoon and then I spotted my cories flicking on the gravel and there was a cloud of bits and fresh poo and all that and I couldn't help thinking 'they hate this substrate, what am I doing to them'

As for the flicking - I'm starting to blame Stress Coat. They only do it after I've added that stuff. I may have to look into another brand.

For some reason there's like a white shimmer to my black pebbles for the first 24 hours after adding Stress Coat - I can't help wondering why and what is it and what is it doing to my cories
Good move on the sand :good:

Try Seachem Prime for freshwater for your dechlorinator hun :good: Ebay sells 500ml bottle for around £14 , its more expensive but you only need a tiny bit each time, it lasts for ages,the bottle i got around 4 months ago and its still got 1/4 bottle left using it for 3 tanks weekly & fry tank daily :)

You won't regret sand :p
Corys do love the sand, having said that, when I changed tanks I did a mix of very fine gravel & sand, was going for a beach look.
The corys have mixed it all together
You will LOVE watching them sift the sand. Its so neat flying through their gills. Seachem Prime is cheaper in the long run!
Ebay only has one prime on there more expensive than usual, normally theres loads on there!! :unsure:

Anyways found it on chaterhouse aquatics...Prime may pay to shop around :good:
Ebay only has one prime on there more expensive than usual, normally theres loads on there!! :unsure:

Anyways found it on chaterhouse aquatics...Prime may pay to shop around :good:
There's some kind of controversy in the UK right now with Seachem being sold on auction sites and things. There's a thread about it somewhere, but I'm in the US so I didn't end up posting on it.
thanks guys my mind is now made up. The weather forecast for this week is very good which means my dog will be going walking with my Dad leaving me time to get stuck in.

I am going to take everything out, fish, plants, decor the lot and give the tank a good clean. It'll also give me chance to prune the plants and get rid of any leaves that are covered in bba.

My only concern by cleaning the tank would be my oto's so I may take a couple of handfuls of the larger pebbles and put those back. The oto's do tend to go and sit on a pebble or two daily and give it a clean so there must be good food on them.

I really wish I could afford black sand but I can't and that's that. I'm still trying to find the cash to buy a new, larger fry tank and that's only £25!

Anyway, I'll post some pics when it's done and you can all tell me what you think :)

ps - can't see no cory eggs :sad:
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