***Corydora Crazy***
Awww so sorry to hear you lost them
It is a downer when they dont make it, i went through the same things has a beginner,even up to the last batch i've had fry die,it is hard to rear them,keeping an eye on water quality,not overfeeding,keeping the sand clean. I've learnt over time several things on rearing fry with success, these being...
Keep temp quite low around 22 degrees.
Keep the sand clean and remove any surplus food after each feed.
Daily water changes - this encourages growth and keeps the water good, and using the water from the tank next to the fry tank,instead of adding fresh dechlorinated water,then add the fresh to the other tank,this will reduce the shock if the water is not match identically. - and my last batch seems to be proof of this,i haven't knowingly lost a single fry.(touch wood!!)
My Tri Log shows the stresses n strains i had losing batch after batch, and not knowing why...
Good luck with the next batch, dont give up and you'll get there in the end.
It is a downer when they dont make it, i went through the same things has a beginner,even up to the last batch i've had fry die,it is hard to rear them,keeping an eye on water quality,not overfeeding,keeping the sand clean. I've learnt over time several things on rearing fry with success, these being...
Keep temp quite low around 22 degrees.
Keep the sand clean and remove any surplus food after each feed.
Daily water changes - this encourages growth and keeps the water good, and using the water from the tank next to the fry tank,instead of adding fresh dechlorinated water,then add the fresh to the other tank,this will reduce the shock if the water is not match identically. - and my last batch seems to be proof of this,i haven't knowingly lost a single fry.(touch wood!!)
My Tri Log shows the stresses n strains i had losing batch after batch, and not knowing why...
Good luck with the next batch, dont give up and you'll get there in the end.