trying to find a positive now and trying to figure out where I went wrong.
I guess the positive is the learning curve and having the knowledge of cory eggs etc and through that knowledge if/when I find some more I know what to do with them.
As for where I went wrong, I think it was the food. Not knowing how much to give, not knowing if they were actually eating anything anyway and I think I was probably giving them too much and that was what turned the water bad. In hindsight I should've put these new born platies in sooner so they would eat any excess food.
I'm still seriously upset - I could easily sit and cry but that's more to do with the excitement and coming down with a HUGE bump than the fact they've died. I got myself too excited instead of keeping a sensible, level head.
Anyway, onwards ... clean slate. I'm actually glad baby 3 didn't survive as I don't think I could've cared for it properly the way I'm feeling.
I'll be watching for more cory eggs. If they do the same as last time they'll lay some in 2 days time - the last ones were layed 2 days after the first 2 hatched - it'll be interesting to see if there's a pattern or not.
When I go shopping this week I'll see if I can get some cocktail sticks as wetting the end and dipping it in food and then into the tank may be the best way to feed smaller amounts.
I've also done away with the piece of bogwood for now. In future it will enable me to keep a closer watch on them. I have no idea how long baby 1 had been dead as it was under the bog wood so it's death could have contributed to the ammonia rise that probably killed number 2. I think me catching baby 2 with the turkey baster and squirting it into the pot with newly hatched baby 3 is what did that one in.
Anyway, I'll keep posting any news
Awww hun I'm so sorry
thanks Caz, it means a lot x