Trying To Breed My Cories

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Thanks Harlequins and Caz ... it would seem they are getting going. Maybe they just needed to get a bit older first :)

I have no idea who layed the new set of eggs but I suspect a peppered set again. I've got a horrible feeling all my bronze's are girls - it's either that or they're just not old enough yet.

I've just checked in on the 2 fry and the eggs briefly. The fry are alive and really getting active now. I'm thinking about letting them go free either today or tomorrow.

I couldn't see the eggs but I'm not worried. They are in there somewhere :)
found another egg :hyper: :kana: :yahoo:

oh, and I added a small trumpet snail to the baby cory tank to agitate the sand and keep it clean of any tiny amounts of uneaten food - hope that was the right thing to do. I broke off a tiny bit of algae wafer and dropped that in with it so it doesn't starve. I'll remove it before I go to bed and I'll be water changing in the morning anyway :)
Hi Akasha72 :)

I would guess that they are from your C. paleatus too. They tend to produce smaller batches of eggs then the C. aeneus and they are notorious egg eaters. I've seen the males chase the female and try to get the eggs out from between her fins before she could even set them down. Generally, their males are much smaller than the females so don't worry about her plumpness.

One of the new eggs had grown a layer of 'fur' around it. Presumed that meant it was fungal so I've now thrown it away.

As for the fry; well they've had a 50% water change. I've seen one - twice. Not sure if that means they're both still okay or if it means I've seen one twice and the other is dead. I'll keep checking as I don't want to disturb the bogwood that they are hiding in and stress em out
here's some updated pictures :)

Taken just before they went into their new home


Taken today :)


I'm changing 50% a day for clean, temp matched, de-chlorinated water. Is that okay or should I be doing more? There's no filter in there at the moment as it's in my fry tank with a handful of platy fry. I've not filtered the cory tank as I was worried they'd get sucked in.

I'm happy to do as you suggest as this is all really new and I'm kinda winging it :lol:
I would have written more but I get jealous and keep it short :lol:

It was me getting jealous not so long ago (about a week ago!!) I'm so chuffed to have them. The four extra eggs I'd found have hit problems though. I dropped one into a baby cory tank by mistake so what will be, will be with that one. One went furry so I've thrown it away and one has simply disappeared leaving me with one solitary egg in the pot all by itself!

I did a water change today and I was hoping for more eggs tonight but nothing so far. It would seem my cories have their own agenda and no amount of water changes or feeding of bloodworms is going to change it :lol:

Guess I'm just gonna have to be a bit more patient.

I hope you get some success anyway - it'll happen

New photo's just taken about 10 minutes ago whilst they were in the tub and I was changing their water and having a clean up :)


And, a close up :D


And, the last solitary egg that's also had a water change :)


I'm also a little worried these lil fry arn't getting anything to eat. I'm giving them a tiny bit of tetraMin baby 3 times a day and there's a load of java moss in with them but the baby food doesn't appear to sink. I've tried whizzing it about with my finger but it still stays on the surface. I've just popped an adult cory pellet in some tank water and it does break down if I squeeze it between my fingers but I'm worried that if I put one pellet in a pot in a morning and break it up and give it to them over the day it will either foul up the water or they won't be able to eat it???

I could use some advice really :)
I had the same problem with the food floating with my fry. Now I take it between my finger and thumb and rub together under the water surface. The trick is to get it off the surface so it doesn't float.
My hi fin pepper just laid eggs yet again. The past several times I've had no success trying to get them to hatch and/or grow. She laid them all over an amazon sword that sits between the two filter intakes, so I just placed an airstone underneath the majority of them (which the fish don't like to go near) so cross your fingers everyone!
Turkey baster for feeding :good: put a little tetramin in a tub with a little tank water,let it soak for a minute or so,then using the turkey baster put it right into tank near the fry and squeeze very gently or else you'll have a sand storm :good: :lol:
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