I second that and also did some google searches and found nothing. It is quite common for people to make up reasons for why they don't succeed in something. And it honestly sounds like chemical sterilization is such an excess.I have never heard of chemical sterilisation in fish.
Many fish and plants need very specific environmental conditions to trigger grading. Some are well known such as temperatures but some are not . For example a Christmas's cactus will only flower when eh night is about 10 hours long. Most people don't quite get 8 hour of sleep then then they get up and the lights are on. So many don't have luck with this plant. But if you put it in a room that onlygets sunlight but no artificial light sources it will flower. In the fall or winter when when the nights are longer. In another case a rare tree was in a large green house and for decades it never flowered. But during one storem the greenhouse was damaged exposing that tree to winds for the first time. It flowered immediately.
For fish it can be tricky. Some may only bread when winer rains deliver softer water but for most of the year the water is hard. It is also conceivable for fish to only bread is silty water because it would help hid the eggs and juvinals. Nerite snails normally live in fresh water streams but the eggs will only hatch in salt water and the snails can only grow to adults in brackish or salt water. Many people of tried but as far as I know no one has succeeded to bread then in an aquarium.
I couldn't get my blue dream shrimp to reproduce in my RO water tank. I went years without seen any reproduction. Then after I also noticed pond snails numbers dropping I decided to so an experiment I added trace levels of iodine, bromine lithium, sodium, selenium, vanadium ,cobalt, These are all element animals need to live but plants do not need. They are not in RO water or in plant fertilizers. Three months later after a one week trip I got back home and found 30 Juvenal shrimp in tank.
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