Tropical Sharks


New Member
Apr 18, 2007
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I am clueless about keeping fish but interested in getting a pretty large tank to keep some interesting species inside.
Is it possible to get any specifics of sharks that look like sharks, but obviously very small in size.


Bala sharks are a shoaling fish but need a 120 gallon tank.
Red tailed shark but only can be kept on its own, same as the red finned shark, they need 40 gallons.
Thats all the shark I know but they are more.
Thanks for your reply

I have looked at photos of these fish and they dont seem to look like sharks.

I dont know if its possible but its to be part of an office so really fancied getting some fish that would really standout.

And what better than a shark :p
The red tailed shark does swim like a shark.
they are appareantley catfish, but I'm not aware of any that actually look like sharks. Bala sharks and Pictus Catfish are as close as it gets IMO. The balas do look like some sharks, but you should make it more specific-there are hundreds if sharks and they all look different.
Also-make sure you cycle your tank frst :)

I thought this maybe the case. Shame would have been nice to have some sharks swimming about.
I have a 2 inch Black Red Fin Shark in with my 1 inch African Cichlids. So far he hasn't picked on them, but he has held his own against them. Often I catch him chasing them away from his cave that he has claimed.

He's very methodical, very much like I'd expect a shark to be. Low to the sand, looks really nice against the white sand w/ a shadow, wish i had a pic.

I love him already, and he's only been here for 2 days.

EDIT: Just wanted to add, he is the only shark in a 55 gal tank along w/ 9 African Cichlids (all 1 inch) and 2 Bristlenose Plecs (both 2 inch).

2nd EDIT: Go to a LFS and watch them for a few minutes, in the right setup, this fish will say shark, everytime you see it. Besides, it is a fish tank, can't put Jaws in there.
If you want to get a huge tank and do some work. I love Silver tipped sharks. They are bottom feeders, but have that more dull grey leathery look to them like a shark. They are a lot of fun to watch.
There is the silver shark- I don't know much about them though, so if you like them you should do some research.

EDIT-Silver sharks are bala sharks- sorry for that mistake :blush:
I mean the silver tipped shark catfish which are brackish water. Wow if the websites I am reading are right never mind lol they get even larger tehn I remembered.
Bala sharkes grow up to 30 cm...... ____________________________________
pretty much only the ones mentioned above, however if youre prepared to get a big tank and want some cool looking fish look at the fish profiles in the oddballs section

also have a look at the posts here started by CFC, think he's probably got the most impressive collection of big crazy fish on this site, although there's a few others like cane catching up with him!

you'll need to do a whole bunch of research before you get started so here's a few boring but essential topics to start with

fishless cycling

cycling with fish

weekly maintenance
How small is small?

It is theoretically possible to keep a true (Elasmobranch) shark in a 6x2x2 (though bigger would be better) when considering the marbled cat shark.
my RTS looks and swims like a shark, lol needs just about as much room too. they get to 6 inches. bala get very shark like as they get older. Columbian sharks, really look the part, but get very big and will swallow anything small enough to fit in its mouth.

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