Tropical Sharks

yep look out for the red tail sharks they grow big and are agressive especially to their own kind. Remember buy them singly or in large groups!!!
yep look out for the red tail sharks they grow big and are agressive especially to their own kind. Remember buy them singly or in large groups!!!
???? RTS get to 6 inches, never much more! and need kept on their own. as far as i know!
here ya go

bala shark is probably closest to what you are looking for
flying foxes are pretty cool too and they eat algae.
not sure if any of them are really technically sharks
There are no freshwater Elasmobranch sharks traded in the hobby that I am aware of. I seem to recall there are only a handful of FW species of shark at all. The closest you are likely to come in taxonomical terms is the FW stingrays (Family Potamotrygonidae).

It is interesting to see they state a bala shark needs lots of hiding places when I have found the opposite (an uncluttered aquarium with plenty of open swimming room) to be the ideal environment for them.

I also take issue with one point they make on the columbian shark catfish:

This species prefers some aquarium salt in the water, and may also be acclimated slowly into a saltwater aquarium, as they live in both freshwater and saltwater during different times of their life.

Brackish fish need marine salt, not aquarium salt. The more I see pages from that site, the more I worry about how many people get their information from it.
Brackish fish need marine salt, not aquarium salt. The more I see pages from that site, the more I worry about how many people get their information from it.

have to agree there, got some odd things all over. and the temps for the Cray are well out!

IMO balas dont hide they just swim, they need space and lots of it.
yea i didnt actually read what they wrote i was just posting the site as some examples of what he might be looking for. balas definitely don't hide and need a nice open area to swim
Depending on how big your tank is going to be, how about an ID shark? They look like sharks IMo. Heres some pictures: , ,

Good luck with your tank.

top looking fish but!!!! they are brackish, and they get very very big! seen pics of them 3 feet long! anything that fits in its mouth will go. nice looking but not the best choice, imo
top looking fish but!!!! they are brackish, and they get very very big! seen pics of them 3 feet long! anything that fits in its mouth will go. nice looking but not the best choice, imo

You're getting confused between Pangasius and 'shark catfish' ;) The latter is brackish/marine, the former is FW but *usually* gets a bit bigger.
top looking fish but!!!! they are brackish, and they get very very big! seen pics of them 3 feet long! anything that fits in its mouth will go. nice looking but not the best choice, imo

You're getting confused between Pangasius and 'shark catfish' ;) The latter is brackish/marine, the former is FW but *usually* gets a bit bigger.

sorry i am not, though the id is not brackish, oops, it can be found in brackish waters. however it will grow to more than 3 feet, if you look after it properly it will beat 4 feet. it likes large bodys of water, and is usually a deep water fish, it also likes to shoal. so its not just its size that makes it the wrong fish for almost anybody to keep. lol im sure the shark catfish does get bigger. but i was not talking about that fish!!!!!

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