Tropical Flakes?

It is used for all tropicals except Cichlids, I think.
If you are feeding your fish them, and you're not sure then it won't hurt them because they're bascially all the same food.
As a staple food for your fish, I have not found any community fish that can't survive on flake food. I am one of the people that think it best to add in lots of variety for the fish though. I feed 3 kinds of frozen fish food, 2 kinds of flake, freeze dried tubifex worms, live microworms and several kinds of small pellet food. Even flake food comes as tropical flake, goldfish flake and a vegetarian flake. I use both the vegetarian flake and the tropical flake for my community tanks. I use much more of the vegetarian flake in the mix for my livebearers because most of them are somewhat better off on a high vegetable diet.

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