Tropical fish MEDS

Do fish medicines work for you

  • Yes,ive had great success

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no ,never had any success

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • some work but not all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • some work but not many

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no they just killed my fish

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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if you have tiger oscars you will use meds soon

Why do you say that? Oscars are tough. All they ask for is clean water. Like most fish.

I don't use meds because my fish don't get sick, I excercise the best med of all - prevention.
One of the principle reasons medicines "do not work" is because the wrong medicine is being used in the wrong way against the wrong thing.

People have half an idea of what "disease" their fish are suffering from, pass half again of the facts to a clueless LFS employee, dump the resulting potion into their tank and blame the medicine for not curing.

Like cars, the most dangerous component is the nut behind the wheel.
i think some people are being a bit unfair saying that their fish don't get diseases because their fish are well cared for. my fish are well cared for but they've still had a few diseases before. i'm well cared for but it doesn't stop me from getting ill!! :sly:
On the other hand Rosie, I think far to many people assume their fish are sick when in fact the water is the problem. It is an easy assumption to make - the fish suddenly look sick - they must have a disease. Sure, there are diseases, but inexperienced aquarists tend to jump straight for the medicine chest rather than the test kits.
Like cars, the most dangerous component is the nut behind the wheel.
:clap: :nod:

and on another note:
We get diseases because we are out in the real world, we come into contact with the causes of these diseases. Our aquariums our as clean and sterile as we want them to be. most people get problems from neglect or through new additions into the tank. Stress, which weakens the immune system, is also a big factor. I am careful with all of these elements, and because of that haven't had any health problems in my tanks in 12 years.
Lateral Line said:
On the other hand Rosie, I think far to many people assume their fish are sick when in fact the water is the problem. It is an easy assumption to make - the fish suddenly look sick - they must have a disease. Sure, there are diseases, but inexperienced aquarists tend to jump straight for the medicine chest rather than the test kits.
rsz said:
i think some people are being a bit unfair saying that their fish don't get diseases because their fish are well cared for. my fish are well cared for but they've still had a few diseases before. i'm well cared for but it doesn't stop me from getting ill!! :sly:
Thats very true
I've never used meds before but from what others say they work, and those are what I suggest to others when I hear of a problem.

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