
hi i just got some triops and i read information on the internet from and triops forever but i have a few questions that i couldn't find a question for.
No problem.
cani add sand before adding the eggs?
Yes :good: .
and if th etemperature drops a little would there be a problem
Depends how much 'a little' is, and what species. I'm going to guess its T.longicaudatus, in which case I know from experiance they can easily survive temporary temperature drops down to 15 degrees celcius, but anything under 10 degrees celsius will kill them.
There's not much published on temperature tolerance so that's all I know.
and i read that i have to cycle the larger tank befire adding my triops to a larger tank. what exactly is cycling a tank and how to do so. plz reply anyone
If it's a very large tank (in triops terms, say 10 gallons), then I woudent bother cycling as with only a few triops it will probably cycle itself before there's any signifigant ammonia buildup. Triops are especially hardy to ammonia, nitrite and nitrate when compared to fish anyway.

It's always a safer idea to cycle the tank, but tbh it's alot of effort to go through just for triops - with some methods it could take longer than the triops lifespan if you are unlucky.

If you have another fish tank that is up and running, take a little bit of the filter media out ond put it in the triops tank filter.
If you don't have another tank, just add this stuff here to the triops tank when you add the triops (make sure its that stuff, not just any brand).

Other than that, I wouldent bother cycling the tank. Just do water changes and you'll be fine.

For info on cycling, go here or here.

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