Triops! At It Again....

this may seem simple but can you keep a group of these guys or do they like to be kept on their own?
im sure they would like to be in a group....some people have had them in groups but....they always and i mean ALWAYS end up eating each other till there is one left lol, i dont personaly think there minds are set on anything else except diggin and eating and pooing and (if female) laying eggs.....even then though they can eat there eggs!
update time!! now for some very intresting updates..... :hyper: after my last update he shed so now i have some more recent pictures of his "changes"


i mean come on!! the detail in his legs now! you can also see how much his body has gotten wider!


now he is of to dig..




he is so cool!! what he is digging for i am totaly unsure of! he is still diggin now and making abit of a mess out of the sand now!! i will see how it looks in the morning......
Perhaps females bury themselves once they're mature, so he may be hunting for a female to mate with? They don't seem like the 'smartest' of animals. lol.
very very VERY cool razer! how lucky you are to be part of such a fascinating event. :good: :good: keep us updated and good luck!!!! :D
thasnk guys!! im pretty excited myself about this guy :rolleyes: ive raised triops for years but never this large! or this intresting...i can sit watching him for hours :hyper: currently he left that spot and has dug a big hole in the back corner!! he keeps going back there.....aand has been for the past god knows how long lol! but guess what i found floating around in the tank eating!!!




im so glad i invested in a decent camera :good: one other picture i got....


hehe! spot the triops! i will give you a clue....he/she has a distinctive look :shifty:
after checking this morning, there is now 4 babies, there was something like 7, ive been capturing the triops larva i find in the main tank and putting them in the breeding tank (great food for growing triops!) i really dont know where they keep coming from, every day i find triops larva jittering in the main tank! anyway

this triops comes from america, he comes from a kit which gets brought into tk-maxx ive no idea if the triops from argos can grow like this but i assure you i will be seeing what i can get from one :)
update time :) finaly i caught him shedding!!! ok i didnt capture him shedding but i caught him just after he had pulled out of his old skin,




he decided he would....well im not sure maybe munch on it abit? lol


a very happy triops!! and in a new skin,



he does this EVERY time he sheds.....its the only time he comes to the top? really odd maybe its instinct who knows? anyway i got some nice detailed shots of him,



i like them pictures, they really show the detail of his legs, he is starting to get real "fans" growing on them! amazing :hyper:

so....a little update on the baby triops....


thats going ot be the next beaut! theres only 2 left in there now,

and now some close ups of that skin!





if you look closly, you can see the mouth bits in these images, very odd looking....also seems to show of all the details! very impressed with him, however he does not seem to be growing alot with each shedding now, mainly seems to get more detail to his legs and back, well thats all for the next couple days! enjoy :good:
Wonder if the ones at Wal-Mart as good as the one you have.
they may well be, i think its all down to how you raise them :)
update time :) so today it was abit hetic...the filter in my triops tank had somehow managed to pack up! i only noticed bcos my triops swim in towards the filter out take....and didnt get flung back lol, so anyway hands in water change in place and something VERY "beautiful happened :) ok it wasnt beautiful but it was "touching" :shifty:!!!!! as i was pulling the filter out, who comes along and starts "munching" on my hand? triops of corse!! it had to be the oddest felling ever! it didnt hurt, i just felt those legs moving like lighting speed across my finger :crazy: anyway, this of course freaked me abit but after sorting the filter out (which somehow was blocked?) i put it all back together got the water change out the way and decided to see if i could pick him up...and i could! he didnt struggle to get away, i chose not to pull him out of the water but just to the surface, i will try and see if i can get a picture of it, was amazing!! and.....

look at how big this little guy has suddenly grown!!!


wow! lol

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