Triops! At It Again....

ha, wait till you see the new pictures i get of him, he has already doubled up since i last took a picture of him!! the water changes are helping aswell, this guys going to be big :) i got him from tk-maxx lol but i know you can get them from ebay/argos and a few selective websites, im also sure people on here must have some??
It's amazing how tolerant triops are of ammonia, though do note, that most triops tanks are have fairly acidic water so most of the ammonia is actually in it's non-toxic ammonium form.

For triops tanks I like to use box filters with zeolite and carbon in them, this keeps the water ammonia and toxin free until a decent bacterial colony grows on the media for the adult triops. Mulm from mature aquarium filters is great too.
sorry but what is a "box filter" im intent on using a filter which i have that is fully cycled :) it is currently in my main tank so it does not die and to top it of, it does not have a very high flow at all! :hyper:

but on a side not...i was not lying!! look at him now...






now is that a transformation or what!!! im stunned at how he has still managed to double his size!!! he is now 1inch in length!!! amazing lol

so im now starting to mix the water more, i think i will give it untill tomoz and then move him into his now big open world, im still of course worried as i dont want him to go and kill himself in there lol dont want the little guy to starve now do we! :fun:
Today he has shed again twice!!! (ive got the proof this time lol so i know!! (filter) ive moved him over to the new larger tank which him seems to love! well at first he swam to the bottom then had a little skitty fit, was kinda odd :blink: but now he cannot get enough of digging!! although the food im suppling him he seems to not bother with? its abit hard to give him food in a much larger tank so im keeping a close eye on him, pictures to follow tonight! :hyper:
Just wanted to say I love this thread. I had never heard of triops before a couple weeks ago while reading on this forum. I'm glad that your little guy is growing up really well. Will miss seeing the pics of him growing in size, as I imagine it will be harder to focus on him in a bigger tank. But I'll still keep checkin in on his progress.

Good luck.
thanks :) i just wish more people had as much intrest in these little guys as me, id lvu to hatch out some of the other types, oh and def the larger ones! saying that this guy is a odd looking one...ive not seen a triop that has started to go green? also this guy seems to have "spikes" on his body, if you look carfully at the 1st picture you can see them! oh and just because he is in this larger tank does not mean my mighty camera cannot snap a picture :) it is pretty easy to do, anyway...

Can you see the litte spikes im on about?

so this is something pretty odd i noticed in the sand...

yes i know these guys dig what they hell do you call this??

not the normal kind of way that most would dig! most would just dig down....this guy likes to make lines.....sideways!! i must try and get a video of this... :hyper:

thanks for the intrest guys!! hopfully i will set of some more threads!!
Do you mean the spikes at the edge of his head/mask part, right before the tail starts? Also, I don't know anything about triops, I just wanted to clarify.?
yes i think thats right, there in the end of his shell thing ive forgotten what it is called... :unsure:
They look realy cool!,I tried keeping them when I was 8,lasted 2 days :look:,how have you been keeping them alive?
haha dont worry, my first batch didnt hatch untill 3 weeks later! and even then he only lasted for a week or so...i have a log of him somewhere on the internet lol!!! but yes its very much down to conditions, seems as i have a tank at a constant temp of 26 with a decent light source and filter....well i think you know why this guy is surviving so well, the pots they give you are just not good enough for the little guys...alot of people have problems getting them to survive, alot of it is down to the poor instructions you are given! they say to feed on the 2nd day...well dont! feed when you can see mini triops! and feed 1 full brown or green pellet! it has always worked fine for me....the 1 time i listened to the instructions my triop died at a week old lol :rolleyes:

but anyway...he decided to shed this morning....and just now!!!!!



ive never seen a triop shed before! i wish i caught it on camera but i would not of been quick enough, for anyone who does not know this is what he did,

he start to have a "fit" was as if he was doing lots of sit ups real quick...sorry im unsure how to explain it! so after this he sort of "drifted" to the bottom, then repeated....he did this a few times i thought he was dying!! but then....well he sort of pulled back and "jumped" out of his skin!! it was pretty amazing to see!! i will have to try and get a video of him doing it! now i know the signs :)
Can I just say I am watching this fellow grow up with interest! Never knew such creatures could grow in a tank lol. How do you obtain such eggs and come about this? Seen full grown ones at the local aquarium and such fascinating creatures, best of luck, he is pretty cute!
well, if im right argos sell them, you can get them online, and ebay has some (some intresting ones at that!) and of course you can find breeders in forums! im not one by the way lol :rolleyes: but erm anyway ive got my family hooked on him as he is the fastest growing triops ive ever hatched! he is in the process of "stretching" his old shell! im really hoping to catch it on camera! but ive been sat so far in front of his tank for a good half hour.... :blink: well exspect an update later anyhow!

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