Trilineatus Cories Just Keep Spawning...

i know what you mean i watched 20 fry die, in a span of a month...then i figured it out my three week old fry were eatting the new fry
It's always so sad to lose fish, even if you only had them for a couple days. My little male Sterbai just died last night, actually. :-( The poor little thing, he was so pretty too, it makes me so sad. I don't know why he died though, as my water conditions are excellent, none of my fish have ever been aggressive to him, he always got enough food. It's so sad, and confusing. I guess it was either stress, or maybe he just died. Oh well though.
Cory fry are gorgeous though, i think you are lucky, i did have a cory that spawned every fortnight for about a year, after several attemps i did get about 40 to live to full term, it was hard work though, the hardest bit for about 2 months, and i think its when they progress from fry food to normal food, its a bit of a transition. If you have any for sale give me a shout id love some, di
Aww thats a shame,good luck with the other one :)

Well update on spawning again :) 15 new eggs tonight :good:
here's updated list

1 fry hatched 1/11/09
13 fry hatched 6/11/09
8 fry hatched 8/11/09
10 eggs 13/11/09 eggs hatched 18/11/09
10 eggs 18/11/09 9 eggs hatched 22/11/09
10 eggs 22/11/09 9 eggs hatched 27/11/09
1 egg 27/11/09 hatched 1/12/09
10 eggs 30/11/09 hatched 5/12/09
14 eggs 4/12/09 hatched 9/12/09
11 eggs 8/12/09 hatched 13/12/09
12 eggs 11/12/09 12 hatched 16/12/09
3 eggs 14/12/09 hatched 19/12/09
14 eggs 18/12/09 hatched 23/12/09
12 eggs 23/12/09 hatched 28/12/09
5 eggs 28/12/09 5 hatched 2/01/10
6 eggs 1/1/10 2 hatched 5/1/10,4 hatched 8/1/10
16 eggs 6/01/10 hatched 12/01/10
11 eggs 12/01/10 4 hatched 17/01/10,7 hatched 18/01/10
8 eggs 17/01/10 8 eggs hatched 23/01/10
9 eggs 21/01/10 8 eggs hatched 27/01/10
15 eggs 29/01/10

I thought they were slowing down has i hadn't seen an egg for 8 days,well they proved me wrong... :lol:

Will upload pic later of the older fry :)
well here's some pics,not very good ones :rolleyes:

Newest eggs

Some fry the camera will pick up

No panda eggs has yet,think they're a little small yet...

I think i had 3 skunk fry in the tank,but lost a few fry last week,think it may have been these,i haven't seen them in the tank since,i have seen the skunks in the T position 3 times.but havent found eggs has yet after this,though they may have hidden them well! :rolleyes:
I saw two skunks today at the lfs but dont have vaccancy at the moment but the urge to not buy them was hard but i seltteld by getting a elgans cory already have one so decided to get him this friend..and my golden platy is due soon so i have my hands full
Thanks :)

I keep talking to the pygmys & skunks to take note of the tri's going on's :lol:

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