Trilineatus Cories Just Keep Spawning...

Thanks :)

Well 4 eggs have hatched,the other 7 still look good so waiting patiently,found a further 3 eggs last night making total of 9 :good:

Nick- i will be selling them if they make it to adulthood
Little update all 11 eggs hatched yesterday,1 wee thing didn't make it,looks like it was part stuck in the egg!
aww, poor baby, but at least the others made it! Can't wait to see more pictures :p and congrats! :)
Well i assume its the tri's spawning again,just found 6 eggs,turned my back for 5 mins and seen another one,so 7 so far...:)
i wouldnt mind mine spawning once or twice but i couldnt do with the constant hassle. but unless i fish the eggs out i think the rainbows would have a field day and a good feed up.
love my group of 6 though. very amusing and attractive little things.
awww look at the gorgeous little things, the parents certainly are keeping you busy :good:
Thanks everyone :good:

Yes they certainly keep me busy,i check the tank most days for eggs just in case :rolleyes: ,final total last night was 8 eggs.
I'm still waiting for the last batch of 8 to hatch,they must be pretty close now,they look good,1 was disposed of for being infertile.:)
Well all 8 eggs hatched yesterday from the last batch :good:

The next 8 still have a few days yet :)
Eggs are a-hatching from the recent batch,got 2 fry so far,7 eggs to go...

Unfortunately i've had some fry die on me again...still haven't got to the bottom of why,stats spot on and tank has daily routine of w/c,keeping it clean etc...
:good: here is hoping it stops and the rest will make to adulthood as they are the strongest., You are a great cory mum!

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