Treating Ich With Salt?

The safest salt to water mix for an ich cure would be to put salt in the water without turning the taste salty. If it starts to have the faintest salty taste then stop adding anymore salt. Isolation during treatment is highly recommended to avoid the salt from harming any live plants
Personally I don't think separating them for one or two days to treat the 55 gallon with the full amount will make any difference. You'd need to know when the free swimmers are in the water column for that to make sense. 
Taking the fish out will stress them more, and having the Betta in an unfiltered, unheated environment may just kill him off combined with ich. 
The treatment will just need to run its course, doing daily gravel vacs REALLY helps, because it will reduce the amount of free swimmers that could potentially re-infect your fish! 
I've left my plants in during ich treatment, there were a few leaves that needed to be removed afterwards but they all pulled through.
I know it's a tough thing to deal with, I hate ich with a passion, those nasty blood suckers! :(
Well the ich is mostly gone now! Stopped having fish deaths a few days ago and my plecos are doing great now! I posted an update thread about it.
The Betts didn't have ich. The only tank with any was the 55 gallon... Though the Beta is in a bowl overnight due to my destructive 2 year old! I was about to post a thread about that story. Poor gish almost died today because Ben poored two bottles of ich meds and a whole unopened bottle of pimafox in his tank!!! I was sure he was dead when I got him out (even though Ben hadn't did it even a minute before.) he wasn't moving or anything! But I am glad to say he is swimming around in the bowl ALIVE. That was a close one. Hopefully he will be put back in his tank tomorrow.


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