Treating Ich With Salt?

If it was dark and the lights were out, that is normal. Most fish have duller colours at night, so they aren't seen by predators while they are sleeping.
IMO, it isn't anything to worry about :)
The ich is still looking pretty bad. :(
Gator now looks like he is covered in sand....
yeah... If gator dies... I will just want to get rid of all my fish.....
I think I will be making a trip to the pet supply place in the morning to see if I can find any meds for scaleless fish... The salt heat thing is making it worse...
Woke up this morning to two dead guppies. Went and bought some API ich stuff that said I could use half dose for scaleless fish. Treated the 55 a dose for 35... Came home two hours later... Rubber lip is dead... So... Death tole for the day is up to 3....
=( I'm sorry, my new pleco died as well, I'm bummed, trip to the store for a refund today. sigh
:( I just hope this med starts getting rid of the ich before it kills anymore of my fish!
Sorry to hear yours died too.....
My bristle nose are staying right under the filter out take. And on the bubble wall...the maleis on a piece of floating driftwood like half way out of the water... Theres alot of aeration... So I wouldn't think that would be a problem?
Maybe the temperature is too high for them, maybe you want to turn it down a bit to see it it makes a difference. If some ich parasites have settled in their gills, there is not much you can do, time will tell. Sorry about your pleco, it must have been horrible for you to find him like that! :(
I've got the temp back around 82. Because I was nervous about it... Maybe the flowing water is helping with the itchyness?
They are just completely covered with it... Its like they just multiplied with the higher temp and salt...
Ugh... I just wish there was something else I could do... I'm a nervous wreck just having to wait...

and I'm pretty sure I've lost a lot more guppies and just didn't find them. Because there are a lot missing...
I know it's frustrating, I had to treat my tanks twice so far for ich. Not fun!
The heat does not multiply the parasite it only speeds up the life cycle .The salt would then kill the parasite in the free swimming phase. Only problem is, free swimmers could find a host to latch onto (fish that stay at the bottom) before the salt could take effect. That's where gravel vacs during the treatment help in reducing that risk.
With meds it's pretty much the same thing, the free swimmers have to be exposed to it long enough to take effect. But doing gravel vacs during treatment with medication it runs a little more expensive to replace the meds taken out during the gravel vac.
I hope you will see improvement soon!
Do you think it would help to put my beta in a bowl, and put my plecos in the 5 gallon for a day or two so that I can treat the 55 with a full dose and the plecos with half a dose?
I'm running out of hope... Another dead guppy this morning...
at this point I'm not sure, if you were just starting I'd say totally.  I only had ick once, it came in on a fish from walmart, I'll never buy one from there again, lesson learned. I wish I could be more helpful.

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