
cat fish crazy said:
This is really starting to drag now,is there any chance of everyone leaving this thread alone so it can be buried like all dead things should be.Hoo dude and Steve O have made their appologies and they have been accepted,this is a fish forum not bar,if you really must carry on arguing then do the rest of us a favour and do it someplace else.
at least I'm not the only one who feels this way :D :D nicely put CFC (you can be polite when you want to :p) do make a valid point but i don't think you should refer to them as adopted children.. people don't sell childtren!! ..well at least not in most countries

and kevin to respond to you ealrier about me calling immature.....well the name calling yes and when you pmd hodude about . Even if it was your brother you should take responsibility for it. It happened on our computer ....I just thought you should have come out and took the blame for it instead of pinning it on your little bro.

tanked......when you said this is a forum not a bar......This is what mainly goes on in forums discussions, debates, and just plain ranting, I know this one atarted off as a shot toward the forum......A forum is for arguents aand questions. To see if you are rihgt about something and who has a different opinion than you..

as for it carrying on i think it should since after cfc said to stop and do it somewhere else. subopposite made a good point.

and im done ranting for now
steve-0 said:
tanked......when you said this is a forum not a bar......This is what mainly goes on in forums discussions, debates, and just plain ranting, I know this one atarted off as a shot toward the forum......A forum is for arguents aand questions. To see if you are rihgt about something and who has a different opinion than you..
I never said THAT!!! :p
MMMMMM yes catfish, a little lemon, some spices, bbq'd. Good eatin.
Steve-O you are quite somewhat right about fish not being kids, but in actuality who knows how they truly feel. They may not be able to show their emotions as well as us obviously, but they move, they eat, they grow, they get hurt, get diseases, we care for them, so they do go through a childhood stage and certainly behave like a living creature that deserves a fair shot at life. We should not treat them less than what we treat ourselves. It is only hospitable. To be perfectly honest, I have 6 fish in my 46 gallon tank and the biggest is 2 inches and I feel bad for them that they have such a small place to live in compared to the wild outdoors. I wish I could have a multiple hundred gallon tank, at least, to let them have their own personal space and such. This is my first fish tank, but I do feel sometimes that all of us are doing the wrong thing by having fish tanks. But when you think, most of us or all of us here try to make our fish tanks look nice and give our fish lots of plants and caves and things. We even have competitions to see whos looks best, so we certainly do have the fishes best interests in mind when we do take them home. So, I can say at least we have pride in our fishtanks and do care about them and maybe we are giving them a better life than they would have out in the wild as they may be gobbled up by the next bigger fish. GULP. :)

Anyhow, I do value, to some degree, all peoples views and opinions. It is what makes us human and special. I think one misguided post doesn't warrant a leaving and as others have said we should let this die and move to the next post. Of course by me posting, I am keeping it going. So, sorry for moving it back up, but this is my last post in this subject.

Cheers! (Dedicated to our forum friends across the ocean) I always liked the show too. :p
anno this thread is goin on and on and on and on like a duracell bunny but........GUFTY IS STILL A GOOD WORD!!!!!!!

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