Top 10 Signs Of An Aquarium Hobbyist

the biggest sign i find is when you see them at the LFS , lol

a sure sign of an aquarium hobbyist if ever i saw one
ok now that i've got the expert's attention :yahoo: please sir visit my post:
i know it's too short for a novel. im soweee... :blush:

here are my questions:
1. do you think this method of feeding my babies with live and frozen food is harmful?
2. Should I go back using purified mineral water or stay with alkaline water?
3. I read an article here in the net that says bloodworms were actually mosquito larvae? others say it's not. so which is which?

if you need detailed information about my question please see my post.
drop some advice. give my fish a chance to live longer than usual.. :-(:-(:-(
Sad to admit that I have also had nightmares of my father doing stupid stuff with my fish and killing them. Or that they've all jumped out, or I get a leak and can't fix it etc.

:blush: :unsure:
15. will go to the aquarium just to see if they have the same type of fish.
16. the amazing ability to bore everyone in 4 seconds
when you go on a day trip and have to go back for the kids cos you cant fit them and all the driftwood and rocks you have collected into the car in one go :D

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