im sorry, i was being immature.
but i didnt see him torturing the guppies, and it was only a few, and after the lat one is gone, its going to be a month before any others.
I doubt he is "torturing the guppies", but its not about that, its about how much stress the fish go through before they are eaten- i'll put it this way: if you were going to be fed to a lion, you'd much rather prefer that the lion finished you off very quickly soon after you were put in its room, rather than wait all day long while the lion goes through a room full of people, with you not knowing whether you're going to be eaten in 5minutes time or in 5hours time, during this time you are being teased and chased around all day by a hungry lion.
Wall-e is the lion, you are the guppy- ok its not a great example, but you get the point, which is basically just to be more considerate towards the guppys by not putting them through unesarsary stress if they're going to be used as feeder fish etc etc

You can feed as many guppys as you like to your turtle within the healthy advised amounts for his age, but just remember next time not to put so many in at once- maybe try feeding just one guppy a day over something like a week period of time or something like that, instead of putting 3-4 guppys all in at once (he might also probably prefer having the same amount guppy treats given to him over longer period of time rather than all at once). I'm no expert on RES though, although i'm sure this would probably be better

If you are going to fed him guppys over a period of time spanning the rest of his life, it will probably be cheaper to set up 2 or so tanks (or some cheap large tubs which hold around 5-10gallons or more) for raising and breeding guppys in, in the long term it will probably work out cheaper than buying new guppys from your lfs everytime you feed the turtle, and guppys you raise yourself will probably get a better diet and so they themselves will be more nutritional for the turtle itself.
A female guppy can give birth to over 30 fry, and their pregnancys only take about a month on average to complete. These fry will take about 2-3 months for them to mature into adult guppys- so over 3-4 month period of time, if you go about breeding them properly you could end up with around 90-100 or more guppys

Even easier to breed, are convict cichlids- a breeding pair of these cichlids can lay up to 300-400 eggs, which hatch in less than a week. Convict cichlids are very popular/common feeder fish due to this, and breed on an even larger scale than guppys and are probably even easier to breed then guppys. All you need is a male and female and put them in a cycled tank of around 20-30gallons long and you will have a pretty much never ending supply of cichlid fry available for whenever you want to feed some fish to your turtle